Jaws Hands

I think this album is pretty solid actually… There are at least half a dozen tunes here that can stand shoulder to shoulder with their best work. Also, the playing and instrumentation here is just sick and Cornell's vocals sound great. Fuck the haters.

I think this album is pretty solid actually… There are at least half a dozen tunes here that can stand shoulder to shoulder with their best work. Also, the playing and instrumentation here is just sick and Cornell's vocals sound great. Fuck the haters.


Pig Lib is my favorite of his… I have the deluxe edition that came with the 5 song bonus CD and the whole set is great - it has it all: 80's pop rave-ups (Dynamic Calories; Dark Wave), epic psychedelic guitar jams (Witch Mountain Bridge; 1% Of One) and some of his prettiest songs (Ramp Of Death and Us).

That's literally a banana-split!


So she "diddles" kiddies?
Is that what he's sayin yo?

So she "diddles" kiddies?
Is that what he's sayin yo?

That album cover was lame to begin with…I mean, come on, she's wearing a top!

Most overrated?
Kevin Smith or Kevin Eubanks?

Such a waste…
of talent. Queens has never been the same since he was fired. Dude brought a much needed energy/attitude to that band. But then again he was also fired from the Dwarves which is really saying something…

I've noticed…
…that these stages are collapsing when its stormy outside.

Dancing with the Porn Stars
The ratings will double in size!

Reimagined as the 80's hair metal band of the same name
With lots of spandex, cod pieces, and horrible falsetto warbling!

I've got mad respect…
for this guy after he humiliated that douchebag Matt Kibbe on Real Time.

Assuming they were gay…
Who would take it in their muppethole?

48 Hours
The Suicide Handbook
Cold Roses
Love Is Hell
Rock N'Roll
Easy Tiger

Unless she gets gangbanged…
…by a pack of midgets I'm so not there!