
So I guess at some point the valeyard will visit LV436 and suffer a rather nasty bout of indigestion o_o

Sun played a gig here last year, the sound killed a stage monitor.. nuff said

Keith Emerson ruined Argento's Inferno, I remember yelling at the screen "Bring back Goblin!" when the soundtrack started to disappear up itself.

Yeah I have to admit, I would never have delved into classic literature or poetry or got into history, philosophy and mythology as much if I hadn't been exposed to metal bands like Iron Maiden. I remember having to provide an analysis of Colleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner for an english essay. All the other

Yep, heartwork and necroticism are pure class.. and have to admit I'm getting a little excited about the new album, jeff and co seem to be talking up the 'classic carcass' comparisons quite a bit

Yeah, and in true 'metal' fashion I decided to bite the hook. But I agree, I love metal and heavy/dark music in general, but the problem with metal is that it creates so many sub genre's, just because one camp doesn't want to belong to another. The segregation can at times become confusing (and seem to exist in some

If it's Putrefaction or Symphonies, it's grindcore.. if it's Necroticism it's death grind.. and if it's Heartwork or Swansong era, it's melodic death metal.. and I guess that proves your point lol :p

Personally I feel a lot of metal has as much intellectual capability as other 'accepted' genre's.. it's the unfortunate thing that the image has always detracted from the actual musical content.. some people just can't see past the 'long hair and black t-shirts'. If they did, they might find as mentioned by others,

Ok, thanks to this I'm waiting for the easton ellis penned episode where Clara finds the tardis' 'hidden room' stuffed full of dismembered body parts and the doctor introduces her to his pet rat o_o

I'm hoping the majority of the next episode is composed of black and white stills and we find out alexandra is a time traveller sent back to stop a disaster occurring in Portland.

I think Andrea was trying to quote Henry V but got sidetracked by her own inate 'dumbass-ness'

The big problem with rick's little 'descent into madness' is that it completely ruins the point that was established in the comics. Rick is pretty much nuts 24/7 but the phone is his way of coping with everything that happens to him and that he does.. the show kind of went full bore on the nutbar meter, not very

Is it just me, or is smith's version of the doctor who heading more and more towards harry potter territory.. in fact we might as well dispense of the canon alltogether and call it doctor potter. Lately the episodes seem to have veered towards fantasy rather than sci-fi, replete with potter-esque soundtrack to boot.