Tyler Blu Gunderson

". . . like the angel on his shoulder to Rigby's devil." What an interesting analogy. While Rigby most certainly has the capability to play Mordecai's dark side, I somehow just can't get behind CJ being his angelic muse. She's good at video games & dodge ball, can talk the talk when it comes to zombie/slasher

A few dollar bills and some loose change at the bottom of a #10 envelope don't really go that far.

I'm just glad that the fish made it into the final cut, though not as a violin.

I doubt we'll ever see anything about Eileen and CJ. After all, we never saw anything about Eileen and Margaret, and they seemed to have a lot more history.

Death's son, Thomas, has always been one of my favorite characters. Michael Dorn's voice acting was amazing in that episode!

Springsteen may have lucked out, but looking at others (Paul McCartney comes to mind) makes me react pretty much as Rigby did.

Carmenita has been in several episodes, most recently in the Thanksgiving Special.

Put me in the "I like 'em" column. There have been some really excellent raps over the years, and occasionally I'll get one in my head that takes awhile to get rid of.

I actually liked this one a lot, and got quite a few laughs out of it: The Climbing Equipment Rental portion of the rental stand makes sense in a park with absolutely flat ground; Muscle Man's "You're a dark hole!" takes me back to some of the on-the-edge language of the first season that we don't get enough of

I certainly can't remember the last time he made a "My Mom" joke, and HFG wasn't there to slap a high-five.


No wonder Rigby hated Don. Every time his Mom picked him up after he got busted for something, she would lay the, "Now Don never gets in any trouble while he's at school" rap on him.

HFG had some good screen time in The Heart of a Stuntman, but this was definitely his episode.

Fart Weekly is definitely a magazine I can get behind!

Oh Eileen, if you'd only gotten contacts you'd be married to Rigby by now!

I was never a big fan of CJ coming back, but if seeing her every week means more Eileen, than I'm all for it! And yeah, I loved Rigby's name being misspelled on his lunch bag.

I actually look at it the other way around: the weaker RS episodes are better than the stronger AT episodes. AT seems to have gotten into a rut lately and I'm not really seeing much there that's new.

I love the Magical Elements, and in any other year I would bet the farm on them. But in the Year of the Rigby, you know that the Rignado would come through!

I loved this episode, but the only problem with it was you knew what was going to happen from the beginning. There was no question that it was going to come down to Mordecai and CJ, and that Mordecai would let CJ win. Maybe that will pay dividends for him going forward with the friendship, but I think it would have

Both guys looked pretty sharp in their threads, but yeah, Rigby looked pretty awesome in a bolo tie.