Tyler Blu Gunderson

I've never been a big CJ fan, for the reason given above. Yet Mordecai has definitely grown a set since last year, given his willingness to kiss someone at midnight who he thought was a complete stranger. The world was better when we had relationship episodes to look forward to, and here's hoping The Year of the

I was amazed when I saw that this review had posted before midnight. Alasdair, you completely rock!

Alasdair mentioned good audio jokes, and it took me watching it twice to catch it, but there is an actual Blue Jay call in this one right when they run out of gas.

Absolutely loved it! A solid A+ in my opinion. I'll definitely need to see again to pick up the stuff I missed, but for now, here are a few observations:

It doesn't surprise me that Rigby is still attached to the hat, as we've seen it several times since Eggsellent. What surprised me was that he would make it part of the bet. I mean, what does Cash Bankis have that is anywhere near as valuable (to Rigby) as that hat??

Hell yeah! It was awesome seeing Don again as a real character, and not just part of a whacked out tree-bark induced hallucination!! And I, too, am really looking forward to seeing the families getting together at Thanksgiving. And would it be too much to ask to have Margaret and Eileen stop by for Thanksgiving as

Ok.  I may be living in fantasy land.  But I keep hoping that some day Eileen and Rigby will have a chance at a kiss.  Death Bear and One Pull Up gave us the opportunity, but no payoff!

I hope not.  I saw CJ as a female version of Mordecai, and he was basically going out with himself when he thought Margaret had  dumped him.  Mordecai needs the different things that Margaret brings to the relationship: intelligence (she got into the college of her choice) and drive (she was a freakin' Black Belt as a