
….Wow. Just….wow. This show does it to me every time. They hint that they're going to 'go there', and I think 'bullshit, you're not actually going to go there', and then they go there. Every fucking time.

I wondered about for a second and then it made perfect sense: the Mountain Men are fighting a war against the grounders. Any and all soldiers would have higher priority than a doctor who won't leave the mountain until the war is over.

When the fuck did they explore that oh so deep and interesting back story? When did Sara do anything on this show but make googly eyes at Ollie and kick some ass?

Because Sarah was never interesting at all beyond being a generic kick ass chick.

I'm gonna make a bold statement here: Laurel Lance is a far more interesting and compelling character than Sarah Lance.

The one complaint I have from what was a quite good stand alone episode is that I thought for sure the enemy 'fixer' was going to be the villain from 'Last Call'. That guy is still out there, right? It just seems like a wasted opportunity.

Somewhere at Comedy Central HQ there is an executive just banging his head against a desk repeatedly over the fact that they let John Oliver slip through their fingers.

I disagree. I don't think that Clarke has ever 'struggled' with her role as a leader. When they first got to the ground, it only took a few days at most for her to establish herself as co-leader with Bellamy, and it was never something that she felt the need to come out and say. She just expected people to listen to

This show has a clear trend of killing off members of love triangles. I doubt Grounder Woman makes it out of Mt. Weather alive.

I just binge watched this show over the past week, and it is fantastic. The only thing that bothers me, and this is a minor quibble that I have with a lot of shows, is that I wish they had the freedom to swear more. Clarke can burn 300 people alive, stab her boyfriend in the heart, seize power from her mother, but she

Michael Emerson and Amy Acker have such incredible chemistry. Every single scene between the two of them is utterly captivating.

It definitely seems like The 100 and The Flash have clubbed together for their CGI Gorilla budget.

I think that another try at an Animorphs adaptation would be a huge hit. The first one came just a few years before an explosion of interest in YA content and the technology to do it justice.

The Messengers sounds like an Animorphs rip off. I'll probably still watch it though, because we never got the Animorphs adaptation that we all deserved.

Shaw/Fusco was a very good relationship. It started off with absolute contempt, but after Shaw saved Fusco's son it changed subtly. I admired the way the show kept that dynamic in mind in their future interactions, particularly that scene in the bar at the end of Allegiance.

Its really good.

ROBOSHAW would be so amazing. Analog Interface version 2.0

Probably the best episode of this show ever. It just succeeded on so many different levels.
I am so excited for next week. Whether or not Shaw is actually dead, I can only imagine what Root's response is going to be like. I'm picturing something very similar to Reese in "Devil's Share" but with an ASI whispering in

AIs killing everybody has always been the ultimate threat of this show. What the hell do you think that Harold has been so afraid of? He can't even bring himself to trust the altruistic AI that he created, and all that the final scene did was reinforce the stakes that he and Root have been talking about since the

Well at least we can all recognize that Person of Interest is one of the very best programs on television right now. In other words….