
She also comes in to yell at her dad about search warrants while she is actively preparing for a career in vigilantism.


The thing that entirely baffles me though is that I know that there are shows that both myself and the writers on this site are huge fans of, mainly Arrow and Person of Interest, that are inexplicably absent from the top 35.

WHERE THE HELL IS PERSON OF INTEREST?! No other show has had the sheer consistent quality that POI has had, and unlike most other sites, TV Club has been at the forefront of acknowledging that greatness. For it to not even crack the top 35 is just….inconceivable to me. I really don't understand it.

Some people don't care for the flashbacks, but I've always admired how Amell presents a completely different character in them.

If Person of Interest isn't in the top ten it will be a gross oversight. That show didn't have a single bad episode in the entirety of 2014.

No Person of Interest, No Arrow, No The Good Wife. In other words, the best show category doesn't include three of the highest rated shows on this site. What are you doing, AV Club?

I'm from the distant future and I just giggled maniacally at this comment.

All he said was that Reese is like a superhero, and that he has a weird voice. I've seen people here make those comments innumerable times, and I don't think it makes him an obsessive comic book fan.

I gave this episode an A- but would accept a B+, and I have to strongly disagree with a couple of points here. I do not see how either the fan service or super hero parallels were too thickly poured on here. Its not like the characters did anything out of character, there was just an outsider present who commented on

I fully expect that we will not be seeing another Alicia/Kalinda scene until the last Alicia/Kalinda scene.

There is this weird tension to Alicia-as-Politician. Perhaps its a result of watching too much TV, but I keep on expecting that moment to come where Alicia will jump up, start declaiming about her true beliefs, and still go on to win the election. It just doesn't come, because Alicia still fundamentally a women who

It turns out that when you invite a bunch of assassins to hangout in your secret lair…..a bunch of fucking assassins know where to find your secret lair.

I think the hatred of Laurel by most of the fans of this show have gone way past any reasonable level.

I wouldn't say FAR more deserving. This show is operating at a level of near-perfection, and has been since the end of 2013.

There was SO MUCH to love about this episode, but the thing that excited me most was the further development of the relationship between Harold and the Machine. Ever since the end of season 2, its seemed to me that pretty much every character on this show had a better understanding of the nature of the Machine than

I thought it was pretty obvious that Kalinda will be written off the show when she helps to take down Bishop and has to disappear.

The thing that struck me even more than the ending press conference is the scene between Peter and Alicia in the hallway. If I'm not mistaken, that was the exact same set that they used in the first episode of this series. Such an effective way to demonstrate how this show has come full circle.

How hard do you imagine it is to determine which floor of a skyscraper two archers are brawling on? Do you suppose the gaping holes in the glass where they smashed through might have been a hint?

This is by far the best acting Katie Cassidy has done on this show. I am genuinely excited to see Laurel become Black Canary.