
No, no.

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Lucas Lee.

This was absolutely my experience too. I was so used to piano being the instrument of treacly ballads, and then here was this explosion of energy that matched the fury I was feeling in high school. It revived my love of the instrument.

Yoder is from Indiana, not Arkansas.

Goshen, Indiana, not Arkansas.

Agreed. In fact, Buffy's jack-ass speech in Get It Done is one of my least favorite moments in the show's entire run. It so crushed any sympathy I had for Buffy that when SPOILERS
the Potentials vote her out I just thought "about time."

The worst Angel episode is the one from season one where female aliens with glowing erogenous zones on the back of their heads need rescuing from their male enslavers. The worst Buffy is the episode in season seven when one of the Potentials kills herself and Buffy yells at everyone for 45 minutes.
  Totally concur

I'll second that. Tangled was the best thing Disney's done (outside of pixar stuff) since Lion King.

Man, nobody better hate on Back to the Future, or I'll go DeLorean and seduce their mom and they'll disappear.
Especially if their mom looks like Lea Thompson.

Don't Ever Dress as a Rhino
It will be the worst day of first grade.

"Conversations with dead people" was written by 4 writers…Noxon just did the cringe-worthy part with Willow and the dead girl.
I agree that it's not totally fair to scapegoat seasons 6 and 7 on Noxon, but neither does their suckitude make me super pumped for these new shows.
Fain and Craft can be pretty good, though.

No crossover between XKCD and Achewood? I enjoy both, as do most of my friends who read webcomics. That's like saying, "If you enjoy sushi, you can't enjoy burgers." Actually, because of the anonymity of the internet, that statement becomes "If you like burgers more than sushi, you are an horrible fucktard who should

Not that people really expected socially redeeming value
But anyone else notice how much this movie hates women?
BEST case scenario: Damsels in distress, awards to be given by Zeus for a job well done
LESS GOOD case: Freaky-ass monster ladies, stupid arrogent shrews
EVEN LESS GOOD case: Women who totally deserve death

This is a truth statement. The 3D looks so goddamn terrible that I kept taking off my glasses and squinting, which was much more enjoyable.
Thank god there wasn't anything in the movie actually worth seeing.

Neeson: Sorry I raped your mom, dude. Here's a lightsaber.
Blandest Lead Actor in the Entire World: Enhhnhhhhh
Interchangeable soldier: (dies)

As a side note, I'm glad I'm not the only one who grew up reading Gordon Korman books.

I was expecting to see Nick Andopolis.

I don't understand how everyone didn't orgasm for 8 hours on end after seeing NPH wail into that lint remover. Perhaps you have had your fun removed.
Or whatever body part is responsible for orgasming. Nobody will tell me.