
I can see the trailers already …
This should be advertised as "THE FILM NICHOLAS CAGE THREATENED TO WALK OUT OF". Or something like that.

I like the show a lot more than you do, but you're spot on about the music. I want the soundtrack from this so I can brood and squint a lot when I walk around places.

Saying "Asgard" out loud makes me giggle like the 10-year old that I am inside
I love how everyone in Asgard speaks the Queen's English.

Beverly and Picard …
I spent the entirety of my first time watching TNG waiting for Picard to reveal that he was Wesley's real father.

I am sorry. This is all my fault.
I hereby make a formal apology for the existence of this film. For it is people like me, the otherwise sane moviegoing minority of the youth population, who will watch this film. For although it is a rom com, it has Justin Long. It's cheesy, but it's going to be our weird squeamish,

It's like In Bruges …
… but oh-so-very serious.

Crappy trailer
But it really doesn't tell us much about the film. I mean, it's probably going to be as bad as the trailer suggests, but there's still a chance this is just a bad trailer department doing it's thing … right? Or am I delusional and have learned nothing from the Garfield films?

This is a masterlist of Community gifs. There are DOZENS upon dozens of them on here:

Caprica is my favourite current show with politically-infused themes; I recommend that you check it out. Despite being a spinoff of BSG, it doesn't require any knowledge of BSG, nor is it a very similar show (except in that both shows are excellent character ensemble pieces that deal with contemporary issues and

Now that he has all that money left over …
… can Rob Lowe buy MGM? I want my damn Bond film.

@Phyrkrakr I think what ReetyGriboot meant was that chronologically, no one except Brosnan had been Bond between Dalton and Craig, so saying that "Craig is the best Bond since Dalton" is quite meaningless.

Hypocrisy …
'Womanish "emotional vulnerability"'? Seriously? And who's supposed to be being sexist here?

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck lemon fuck eff star star cunt.