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    was that a good or bad review? I would hope awesomely good music wouldn't drive you to suicide.

    Nathan's covering the Office AND 30 Rock.

    Nathan's covering the Office AND 30 Rock.

    It's almost like I'm watching it…
    I'm sad I don't have HBO…or know someone that does.

    Born Free…
    haha I'm glad someone thought of that.

    so, I've listened to the rest of the album, and "let me in" seems to be the worst but I'm still not to crazy about it, in general.

    Is there any chance that when I go see them in concert, they will play all the material from the older albums…I'm downloading the rest of this new one but I'm way less excited now.

    "which argues that the heel on her shoe came loose, causing her dignity to go back and to the left"

    Off the Chain?
    wow…it's been awhile since I heard that one. Thanks for bringing back middle school memories of my cousin and I trying to sound cool.

    is there an old lennon tower?
    And no, I'm not incredibly angry about this like some of the earlier posters, but this is still a waste.

    haha yeah i know
    anyway, I didn't think the story itself was as 'silly' in the book which liked better, as a whole, anyway.

    thanks for the response…
    and the i totally agree with your last really long paragraph.

    comments/american psycho/OMG!!1!!1 bale
    Besides the blog which Noel wrote about Rain Man and how it related to his son, this is perhaps the longest 'non-snark' thread.

    haven't had a chance to read the interview yet but…
    that is the best banner picture ever.

    on a scale of one to ten, how creepy is it to friend the admins?

    you are not alone…
    i do the same thing, hagbard.

    then i don't get why there is a letter grade
    I didn't read all the comments (except, of course, steve's. Shame on you!) but i read everything on this sight and when i see that you have written a glowing review and then give a film a B, it confuses me. I want to know if there was something you failed to mention, etc.

    never bought from live nation…
    but if they really only tell you the extra fee charges after you give card info, thats fucked up and why don't people complain? Is it different when you are a member?

    le sigh
    the usage of the word "ho" is so egregiously wrong that the man must have intentionally left it in there to spark controversy over a cartoon people never see.

    how do you do it, Nathan?
    I'm so excited about this…as I am about everything you (and the avclub) do.