Lindsay B

So cool!
Noel, this is great! You even got a picture of Chris Onstad! Your Honors College class was the reason I got excited about comics in the first place, and I'm so happy to see Achewood in the Onion.

Ironically? Like, "Melissa Ethridge is so GAY!"

JR Ewing
That's so funny, I forgot about "gay". Kids are still saying that?

pretentious or contentious?
I agree with ThisTemporaryLife. Pretentious means "claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified"

So what?
I've been living in China for two years. Where's my damn money?

woody allen, not so attractive
I wonder if part of the Woody Allen phenomenon is that he's not very handsome? Growing older hasn't diminished his sex appeal the way it has for someone like say, Al Pacino. So maybe we don't notice the changes as much.

To Keith
I always skip the little "clips" at the beginning too (who thought that was a good idea?), but it's not true that the prologue hasn't changed. I think it's a little different every season. It used to say something like "they look—-and feel——human" And then it showed Number 6 in the throes of sexual passion.

So many comments! A hot-button issue.

seconds, also law and order?
This list owes a lot to 70s-era childhoods, but the commenters seem to be a bit younger, as am I, and can definitely sing the theme to the fresh prince!