
It's probably because my dad quoted it endlessly when I was a kid, but this might be my favorite joke of all time.

This guy gets it!

Exhibit A on why the 80s was the best decade for action movies.

The real answer is, because they wanted to put Colm Meaney in a gangster story, logic be damned.

What kind of joyless monster would downvote this?

Unless I'm forgetting something and you're talking about something else, death #2 was so underplayed that I don't think the audience wasn't supposed to know it was a fake out. I certainly didn't believe it for a second. Only the big sexy dope of a thunder god is that gullible.

That scene felt so out of place when I saw this movie. The cinematography, makeup, and lighting are all obviously from a completely different film. Sticking it at the end of this one is just weird.

He's practically the only redeeming part of that movie.

They're drawing from a limited pool in the source material. The greatest Marvel villains are probably Doom and Magneto, neither of whom Marvel has movie rights for. Plus their screenwriters seem to have trouble getting away from the "villian is a dark mirror of the hero" template.

The strength of this film is Tom Hiddleston. He's not in it a lot, despite what the trailers would have you believe, but when he's on screen it the movie is on. Christopher Eccleston is a huge disappointment by comparison. And as small a role as he has, Idris Elba remains completely awesome, as always. Kat Dennings

In the 60's Lee/Kirby stuff wasn't he a WWII vet, so late 30s at the youngest?

You're my density.

Right. He's the happiest, most well adjusted guy in the show! He loves his job. He loves himself. He looks great in genital formal-wear. He's who we all aspire to be.

I watched it recently and while the sets and costuming are great and acting quite good - particularly Pullo and Vorenius - there's something kind of plodding and self-important about it that made it hard to get through. Way less compulsively marathonable than GoT.

The way he says "Khaleesi" is certainly a thing.

In this show full of ridiculously attractive people, and especially ridiculously attractive women, she really stands out. Ygritte is this http://twitpic.com/908yob, not the poshest redheaded nobility you can think of.

..this amuses me. I guess it doesn't take much, don't know why I like a dude who didn't figure out Robert was the king until like episode 5.

You would watch Kanye play any superhero, Martian or not, and you damn well know it.

Jackson episodes = lots of plot, action, backstory, and Jonas Sr. (e.g. "Twenty Years to Midnight")
Doc's episodes = funnier but less coherent (e.g. "Tag Sale"). Also all the ones about Orpheus and magic.

I'm not a huge fan of "In the Cards". Everyone has to act a little dumber than usual to keep Jake and Nog's goofy plot going. I see what it's going for but it's a little too sitcom-y for me. The "soulless minions of orthodoxy" guy is pretty great.