
Liked for Maxwell's Demon and Muppets.

Ratatouille is also my favorite, but I'm a fine-dining-loving Europhile east cost elitist ivory-tower snob. Who also comments on pop-culture websites.

Well said. I can forgive a Cars every few years if the merchandising money lets them do things this original the rest of the time.

I'd bump WALL-E up a tier, if only because of its first act.

My wife said she wants Season 4 to be a remake of The Professional with Arya as Natalie Portman and the Hound as Jean Reno.

I'm sad that this quote appears so far down the page because it's my favorite in this episode.

I was more or less hooked from the get-go in 2004, mostly because of Brock. I recognized it was rough, but it made me laugh and seemed smarter than most Adult Swim shows. I think mostly I recognized the show's potential - I remember really looking forward to a second season that smoothed off the rough edges. Doc and

This guy gets it. That's my favorite S1 episode! There's hardly an unfunny line and it's basically what kicks off the entire Season 2 plot.

Wrong, the Freys are the McPoyles of Westeros.

The weirdest thing about The Incredible Hulk is it's just the last act of Fight Club stretched out to 2 hours with a lot more CGI.

In the Scottish cut, Iron Man drinks Irn-Bru.

Iron Man 2 is a bunch of incredibly talented people acting out an incoherent mess of a script. Skip it. All you need to know for IM3 is that Terrence Howard turned into Don Cheadle, and has his own Iron Man suit now.

I saw it this weekend because I do not live in the United States, and found it to be a perfectly fun superhero action comedy. I'm in no rush to see it again, but it's miles ahead of Iron Man 2. Downey and Cheadle doing the Shane Black buddy-cop thing is great, the airplane rescue they show in the trailers is great,

If Robb goes back North, even if they can secure the border the Lannisters will just murder Catelyn's family in the Riverlands. They declared Robb their king too, so Robb has to protect them. Problem is the Riverlands is basically Poland.

And Aliens.

I've been calling it "The X-Files with hunks". I have only seen like 3 episodes over my wife's shoulder.

Everything about the girlfriend character made me hate this movie. (At least all the non-Cage, non-Hit-Girl parts). I'm sure someone can come along and explain how it was a brilliant satire of blah blah but I just saw a bunch of gross rape-y sexism.


The one with the Teddy Bomber? That episode is fantastic and I won't hear otherwise.

I can't stand Sons of Mogh for two reasons. One, I can't believe that wiping a dude's memories and giving him plastic surgery without his permission is in the Starfleet Medical Ethics Handbook. It's out of character for Bashir to do it.