
I approve of this gimmick.

Loras was in charge of Renly's kingsguard. I think he'd probably name Loras and Margery's yet unseen, not-quite-as-rich-as-Tywin father.

Loras was in charge of Renly's kingsguard. I think he'd probably name Loras and Margery's yet unseen, not-quite-as-rich-as-Tywin father.

Blade Runner is a movie that I don't really "get". I've seen two different versions, one with voice overs and one without, and both times I found the whole thing just kind of dull. I guess the production design is all pretty cool, but the machine-thinks-its-human stuff I've read/seen in a zillion other places. Maybe

Blade Runner is a movie that I don't really "get". I've seen two different versions, one with voice overs and one without, and both times I found the whole thing just kind of dull. I guess the production design is all pretty cool, but the machine-thinks-its-human stuff I've read/seen in a zillion other places. Maybe

60's Sue Storm/Reed Richards drives me nuts. Her power is to turn invisible and hide while the boys take care of things. Ugh.

I didn't even know he was ill.

I read Avengers #1 from the 60's recently and I found it delightful. The Hulk disguises himself as a robot and joins the circus! The team comes together through Rick Jones' ham radio club! Wasp is a worthless, nagging stereotype! Every page was a 50 year old gift.

Liked before I even finished reading.

As the husband of a lawyer who wants out I can sadly confirm this.

This guy gave the commencement address when my wife graduated law school. The point of the speech was that he got a law degree then said fuck it and went and became a kids entertainment producer.

I find the idea that you read Homestuck delightful, Zsasz.

This one's great. What other kids cartoon would make the villain's motivation her superpower-induced infertility?

I saw this movie before I saw any of the show. That's exactly the wrong way to do it. Didn't really see what the big deal was.

That Julia Child skit remains one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

This is basically just Seven Samurai with superheroes, right? I mean, is there any reason it shouldn't be?

Reviews will say it's just too damn loud.

Oh it's great to have someone explain exactly WTF is going on here. I'm mostly annoyed that I missed the "Mamimi might be a real life arsonist" thing completely. I just thought she was obsessed with a weird fire game.

I just watched this the other night and didn't pick up on like 90% of that, ugh.

I can't write close to objectively about that game I love it so much.