
This is beautiful. Life is beautiful.

Let's have a thread about the "Star Trek: The Next Generation Retrospective" special that aired right before "All Good Things…". It's on Netflix at the very end of the episode list. It has incredibly cheesy 90's music.

I have now used the edit button to make you appear foolish.

I can't imagine a better finale for this show:
 - All about Picard, the best acted, best written, central character
 - Q is back in threatening mode
 - Extremely high stakes - the existence of life on Earth
 - Crazy high-concept Brannon Braga sci-fi premise, plus
 - Grounded, character-based Ron Moore drama
 - Sums up the

My routine after work this summer was: watch an episode of TNG on Netflix, read Zack's review, repeat. Great job Zack!

Yeah come to think of it I'd much rather watch a Riker episode than a Geordi episode, though I'd file that more under Frakes being really entertaining to watch then his character being especially interesting.

TNG characters in order of interesting-ness: Picard, Data, Worf, Riker/Geordi/Crusher (tie), Wesley, Troi

My little brother was really into this when he was like 4, which I think is about the right age for it. I was more like 12, and just made fun of him mercilessly for liking the artsy fartsy cartoon with the British kid and no story. Guess I was kind of an asshole!

Rick Gomez is flat out amazing, as usual. Endless Mike, in trying to corrupt older Pete, is the show's version of the devil.

I had the original for PC back in the mid 90s. It was good, but really, really hard. It also had a boss that was a giant evil saxophone.

Book 2 is like 50% Arya and Tyrion and ends with a giant battle. Who cares that it's mostly setup for Book 3? That's still going to be good TV.

Funny because this is one that always stuck with me, probably just for some of the concepts related to the heat wave, like the shoes melting into the blacktop and the kid who chickens out by claiming he's stuck in a force field.

Has everyone seen this yet? It basically justifies the existence of twitter for me:

I always figured that "Genesis" and "Threshold" mean Branon Braga is secretly some kind of furry.

Samantha Stevens from Bewitched would be an awesome mom. She could give you anything you wanted.


I've recommended Mort as the best intro to Discworld for years! Vindication!

I have basically zero interest in sports and now that I'm a grown up I don't pretend to like them to fit in any more, but I basically agree that his jocks-vs-nerds taxonomy is weirdly specific and probably outdated. My geekiest friends will go on at equal length about football and fantasy novels, and my super-jock

I think Parallels was the first episode of this show I saw "live" when I was 9 years old and got really, really into Star Trek. It may have been my first exposure to the idea of parallel universes and it blew my little mind. My dad just thought it was weird.