
I'm going through the whole show (and Zach's writeups) and am halfway through S4 (up to "Devil's Due"). I think the average quality is better than 3, but nothing hits its it's highs as yet. Though I do love me some "Family". Haven't gotten to Drumhead.

I read dozens of Hardy Boys books in elementary school. All I remember is they had a fat friend who drove a shitty car and the villians were always smugglers.

There's my supervillian identity: The Vulgarian! I'll scandalize Gotham's moral majority with a spree of bodily-humor themed crimes!

The big "WHAT HAVE I DONE I'VE TAKEN A LIFE NOOOO" ending is pretty much everything I love about this show.

The answer to all of those is "a penis".

Physical Comedy
I'd like to find whatever genius looked at Toby Huss and said "we should film this man wrestling a bowling ball" and buy him a drink.

Eric Stoltz is a better actor but he's not funny. That's why they fired him.

Doc Brown
A while back I read an early draft of the BTTF script on the internet somewhere. It was very close to the final movie, including deleted scenes and the "Marty in detention" opening that they only filmed with Eric Stoltz, except for the character of Doc Brown.

We have flying cars. They're called helicopters.

Christopher Lloyd is actually wearing old man makeup in the 1985 sections of the first movie, so he doesn't look the same in both time periods. It's kind of subtle but I could see it in a theater screen when I saw the movie last year. Then I think he says he got some kind of medical procedure from the future at the

They both, uh, depend on Gordan? Deceive Gordon? Something to do with Commissioner Gordon?

I like the write-up so much I'm having a hard time commenting on this episode. The writeup says basically everything I want to say only better.

Slurm might be the best adult antagonist the show did. That he makes an impression when sharing time with Endless Mike makes him even more impressive.

I remember him in this episode better than any other. He's just so *menacing*, you know this guy is bad news as soon as he shows up.

As with all things Paul Dini, it is both. The man walks a tightrope.

Endless Mike love party
I will name my firstborn child Endless Mike.

If the AV club ever covers Gargoyles I want you two in there every week.

Fun TNG stuff
I have nothing to say about this episode. Instead I'll post links about TNG production.

Yeah, I think it's WhenWill You Die. Compare "And what they found was just a statue standing where the statue got me high" to "On that promised morning we will wake and greet the dawn". The melodies are pretty close.

My favorite, hands down.