
Only one I haven't seen in its entirely is Apocalypse Now. I think I walked in on it late back when I was in college. All I remember is basically a bunch of unpleasant jungle images.

I know I'm in a weird minority here but I liked Episode 1 more. It was like an HL2 highlight reel played backwards at high speed - all the good parts with the filler cut out.

Maybe this is just my juvenile sense of humor but my favorite Glados lines were the fat jokes.

If they went from 0 Bryan Cranston to 1 Bryan Cranson, that would be infinity percent more Bryan Cranston, not 100 percent. A 100 percent increase is going from 1 to 2.

@french her daddy: Aliens is very different from Alien. It's also one of the finest action movies ever made. Go watch it now. Avoid all the other Alien movies.

I think Wright's got it right.

Watch "Cat Scratch Fever", then come back and tell us the animation isn't that inconsistent.

I don't think an Ace or a Ten card ever actually show up in the Alice books.

If Paul Dini wrote this episode, Clock King would have had a sexy lady sidekick with time-telling boobies.

The crime alley episode is alright, but it's got really great theme music. One of the most memorable scores on the show.

Mostly by making him into a huge asshole. Even before he was a supervillian I wanted to say, this guy, seriously? Fuck this guy.

The title of this movie amuses me
If you actually go to FDR's house Hyde Park and ask the park rangers about his affair, they deny it ever happened. He's a saint at that place.

Listen to the commentary for Look Who's Coming to State Dinner: Jackson flat out admits that the script was rushed and it doesn't really work. It relies on a lot of lazy sex jokes, and the only thing it has going for it is the Lincoln stuff.

Right, they're discussing who the gayest character in the show is, and discard Colonel Gentleman because he is "beyond sexuality". (I think the winner is the Alchemist, just because they hadn't invented Shore Leave yet). Then they both start doing Sean Connery impressions and between the two of them something like my

Tell me, Hank, what's it like to be a LIAR?! WITH PANTS CONSTANTLY ON FIRE?!

I remember Adult Swim promoted this show pretty much just by showing the Brock vs. Molotov fight from the Brisby episode in season 1 as a commercial. Which, I will admit, got me interested. But I think it skewed some people's expectations.

Colonel Gentleman.

Season 2 remains the best - it refined the first season's promise into something great.

They started season 4 right after season 3 with no break and it practically killed them - which is why there was a yearlong gap in the middle of season 4. They've had 4 seasons in 7 years, surely you've learned to be patient by now? This show is made by like 6 people.