
Eh, it's not like a non-sexual but literal reading of "a bag filled with a disgusting substance" is somehow not an insult. Pretty sure that's how I interpreted it as a kid.

Commish, for someone who's been shot, exposed to all manner of Joker-toxins, trapped in a virtual reality prison, and replaced with a robotic duplicate over the course of his career, I'm surprised you're holding it together as well as you are.

Clayface had no interest in Stella and was just exploiting her devotion until she found a cure for his disintegration? He just cribbed lines from his old movies to make her think that he loved her.

Ed Asner is the source of both their problems.

Yes, I am secretly the guy who wrote the screenplay for "Antz".

Todd Alcott on Clayface
I found this blog entry by screenwriter Todd Alcott on watching this episode (and "Beware the Grey Ghost") with his 5-year-old son to be quite enjoyable:

Clayface being gay is one of those things that makes revisiting this show as an adult so rewarding - there's so much stuff you just don't pick up on as a kid.

This episode is scary!
Young, grade-school age rootboy was quite easily scared by TV and movies. I refused to watch "Are You Afraid of the Dark?", because I found it too scary, for example.

I've got the DVDs! Not too pricey on Amazon. The show is also on youtube from the 'sashbtas' user, but not labeled I guess to avoid takedown, so it's hard to search.

I love the demented TV sitcom music from this episode. Shirley Walker, ladies and gentlemen.

Roxy Rocket, too.

So who else loves this Batman and Alex Trebek vs. The Riddler pitch?

The future.

See No Evil is one of those episodes I kind of skipped on the DVDs, so I watched it the other night, and wow, it is really superbly animated. Had a bit more of an anime look to it. Which isn't a bad thing.

Cat Scratch Fever is probably the only time I noticed terrible, terrible animation as a kid, when I was much less sensitive to that stuff.

Joker's Wild has the one really hideously off-model closeup of the Joker. He's missing the black outline around his eyes and just looks like some ugly pale guy.

I watched "What is Reality?" this weekend and concluded that the Riddler is the Batman villain I'd most like to punch in his smug mouth. Most of the others are crazy or greedy. Riddler's just an asshole.

First Episode
Wasn't this the first episode that aired (at least where I lived)? It was a semi-explicit Batman Returns promotion thing, airing the Catwoman one first.

The Old Curiosity Shop

"Saying fuck is okay because the King of England did it" is exactly what the message I would have taken away from this movie had I seen it unsupervised at age 13.