
Hazards of Love is great. I want more big crazy literary experiments from good bands.

"slid into PLACE". That typo makes me think of some kind of delirious Voltron/Superman hybrid that should never exist.

Superman's origin is so well established now that it's quite jarring to see how many different versions there were in the early days as the different pieces slid into space. I always liked the 40's radio show version, where he matures to adulthood in his spaceship and arrives on Earth fully grown. He then runs into

I always skipped this episode on the DVDs since I didn't remember liking it as a kid - a noir-ish police procedural about the cops' perceptions of Batman just didn't have a lot of appeal. I just watched it now and I'm surprised by how much I liked it - it's all informed by a very adult sensibility that went

I can think of some different kinds of birds that sort of fit the clues - Partridge, Raven, Albatross.

I was fuckin' 8 years old when this first aired and it was transparently obvious that this episode was trying to say something "important" and "teach" me something. Which made it boring as hell.

I prefer "Bees are on the what now?" from when Homer had the giant sugar pile to the Jaspers or Grandpa line.

McConaughey sounds like a noise a horse would make.

I think she mentioned it in the exploding pumpkin sequence in "Almost Got 'Im", but they didn't dwell on it until "House and Garden", and then it was just because her superpower made her infertile and this made her depressed.

They need to get this show on Netflix instant. They've got all the movies but the show is disc-only.

Origin stories
I like how they don't even mention that Ivy has any immunity to poison or other vague plant-related superpowers in this episode. Her crazy plant obsession and need for revenge is way more important than exactly how she controls plants and gives poison kisses.

Thirded. I would watch the shit out of a Smoove B sitcom. I don't know who this guy is.

Oh boy, that monkey is gonna pay.

I think Bill's speech was accurate for golden age Superman. Go read an old comic or watch a Fleischer cartoon, and it's pretty clear that Clark Kent is the disguise. That's part of the basic appeal - the milquetoast who is secretly, really a super-strong hero is like the ultimate 5-year-old boy fantasy. Heck, in

Right, I know it was just the two, but they're both great so it seemed as good a place as any to start.

Well I think this show is the best Batman adaptation until the Nolan movies, and have aged very well. (Though I'm not a fan of this episode in particular). Look up the episodes that won emmys, give them a watch, and see if you're interested in anything more.

There's no way the trailer won't have that prodigy song.

Well alright I pretty much just read the headline, if it's not a cameo then fuck them.