
I'm a huge nerd
Legolas isn't in The Hobbit, but his dad, the King of Mirkwood, is. So it's really not much of a stretch to stick him in there for a brief cameo. Just have him wink at the camera and give the ladies a case of the vapors, that sort of thing.

Wait, the same guy is responsible for the worst-looking episodes of two of my favorite 90's cartoons? History's greatest monster, indeed.

The Laughing Fish is the best Joker ep, in my opinion.

I don't love this episode, but as a kid who watched IaWL with my dad every Christmas, I loved that ending. "It had it's moments".

Great write-up
This was a really fantastic write-up - keep up the good work, Leonard. I'm already looking forward to next week's.

If I recall, they aired the Catwoman 2-parter first as a sort of Batman Returns promotional tie-in. This show is great but the reason WB made it was to promote and be promoted by the Burton/Schumacher movies.

This episode
This episode in particular is a great, great introduction to the show. Not the most emotionally complex, but it's beautifully animated, it establishes the world and the characters and the relationship between Batman and the police. And it's got Batman doing his detective thing more than he did in any of

That's really fascinating - seeing what was set up from the beginning, and what they changed. A lot of the great tragic villian origins, in particular, changed from what they presented here.

Yeah I'm psyched to go through this show. One episode a week is going to take a while, though, and while I love BTAS there are some real lousy episodes in there ("Christmas with the Joker" is not the best introduction to the character) that won't merit a huge write up. I expected 2 at a time at least.

Ah, okay, they put a Bond-style "THE VENTURE BROS. WILL RETURN" in the credits. So more Venture in a couple of years, my life still has meaning, etc.

God Damn
That was a hell of an ending. If that was the end of the show I'd be satisfied. Sad, but satisfied.

Ah I should have scrolled down, I already posted this one thread up, but "The Man Who Killed Batman" is my favorite. Such a great concept, and it's got Arleen Sorkin playing Amazing Grace on a kazoo.

The Clayface origin episode terrified me as a kid. When the title cards came up I'd always be on the lookout for the drama masks so I could turn of the TV if it was on.

Phil Hartman on Arrested Development?

Muppet show: Beaker, Swedish Chef, and Animal. There's a reason they dominate the new Muppet Youtube videos.

"Droid" is a particular Android phone made by Motorola. The usage was appropriate.