Cy Tolliver

I took one of the best naps ever while watching Open Range. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way, I mean the movie was kind of boring but the languid pace and calm cinematography just lulled me into a very pleasant sleep.

I'd agree with you but for different reasons. As the series and the setting progresses, Roland's seen as kind of a lanky, sinewy weirdo when out of his element. That's where MM is a good fit. Elba is the one that's too stoic from this perspective.

That's why I think huge commercial success would be somewhat of a surprise, but if it hits, its going to hit big.

Whose going to read Playboy when an underpaid glorified intern can just post the content on their modestly popular pop culture site without generating the content on their own?

I think you're burying the lede here. I'm much more interested in The Dark Tower than Guardians 2. Its either going to be a criitical and surprise commercial smash or an epic disaster. Its going to be one of the most interesting genre movies of the year regardless.

Overhyping Netflix Original Series just because of the huge subscriber count.

I pulled my PS2 out of the closet this weekend to mess around with it for a little this weekend. Thought it was interesting that the open world games have aged horribly but there's still a little bit of fun to be squeezed out of the more linear and simpler games. (Part of its that I don't want to spend a lot of time

"The breitbarters/MRAs are going to be swarming here any second!"

Some of the "big regular posters" are some of the worst posters in general. Though, I've seen some of them less and less. Make the AV Club Commentariat better in 2017.

Thankfully, I think the Apatow gang reign of terror is coming to an end as those movies have underperformed and the "Unrated" DVD that was a big money making backbone of them has evaporated.

Its been an infuriating trend over the last few years. I think to some degree its writers on pop culture sites trying to be Important and maybe get a few retweets but its the antithesis of art. Also, I think there's a couple critics higher up in the "pop culture media structure" with these reductionist views that

I've got some discouraging news for you on that one. Kurt Sutter has a new show going to pilot.

I don't think Everbody Wants Some was capital-G Great but Linklater and the movie had an uncanny ability to make those characters feel real and in a lived-in world with under 2 hours of film. It puts other media with dozens of times the amount of hours to sketch out characters to shame.

Two really good movies after a year mostly being disappointed by studio dreck.

That's an interesting take on Season 4. I'm not sure I'd agree although I'd say the season does peak early with Whoever Did This. Some classic standalone-ish episodes like that, "The Weight", "Watching Too Much Television". The HUD scam in the latter touches on a lot of interesting things. One of my favorite

"Hollywood pitch meeting" is a perfect description for the LBN novel. Based on reputation, I expected a dark, introspective take on bootleggers and gangsters but got something that was more like, well, a basis for a throwaway Ben Affleck vehicle.

If its faithful to the book, and based on the reviews, it is - the 34% will be deserved. Its not a very good book. Plot strands come and go, silly and illogical set pieces, and weakly sketched characters.

It made me think Dennis Lehane is a hack. I haven't forgot that. (The only book of his I've read, to be fair).

I think Boardwalk Empire is the definitive take. Mobsters with Christian Slater and 1991's hottest stars for goofy, pulp fun.

I was 14 when this movie came out on video. Nuff said.
Special shout out to the DTV sequels featuring new actors that looked nothing like the originals.