It was borderline fan-film-on-youtube quality, in terms of filmmaking. I was shocked it got a big ol' pass from critics. Its ok, you guys can hold Netflix's feet to the fire from time to time.
It was borderline fan-film-on-youtube quality, in terms of filmmaking. I was shocked it got a big ol' pass from critics. Its ok, you guys can hold Netflix's feet to the fire from time to time.
"Despise" is much too strong of a word as I thought overall it was a solid, if mostly unspectacular, show but this is a safe space.
Breaking Bad's preciousness in its last couple seasons was not very endearing to me. In fact I'd go as far to say I despised some of the smug cutesiness. For instance, I liked Robert…
I agree with you on Pulp Fiction, I enjoy Travolta and Jackson, but the Bruce Willis segments with his girlfriend are near unwatchable. Also, Jackson's speechifying at the end goes on for too long.
Years fly by now, but back when I became cognizant of E.T. around 1990, it seemed so old and stodgy even by then.
I would have been hard pressed to say that I truly enjoyed The Road Warrior more than Waterworld (and I've always liked The Road Warrior.)
Sucker Punch.
Privileges of Living in America:
Superhighways, coast to coast, easy to get anywhere
On the transcontinental overload, just slide behind the wheel
How does it feel?
When there's no destination that's too far?
And somewhere on the way you might find out who you are!
I know, right. Not to mention, the question of why he'd even leave her side.
Tangential, but after trying to watch After the Thrones last week, I think I owe Chris Hardwick an apology in regards to his ability of running an unnecessary corporate-mandated recap program. Ooof. What a stinker of a show. I think Greenwald and Ryan have an ok podcast on general pop culture (even though I'm very…
On one hand, that was the best scene in the episode, on the other, it appeared to make absolutely zero logistical sense.
I watched the already long forgotten Big Eyes last weekend and I came to the conclusion that the whole Chrisoph Waltz "thing" doesn't translate outside of the heightened reality of the Tarantino-verse or a Bond movie.
I think that first season or two of Breaking Bad with Walt being a put-upon high school teacher that has to work a second job and lets his students walk all over him is the most interesting version of the character and show. It got too precious for its own good after that (but that's just like my opinion, man.)
I'm going to latch onto your anti-anti-SJW strawman argument here just so I can point out that Lara-ripoff Nathan Drake is a terrible fictional character. I really hate him.
Stallone would have actually made a pretty good Sonny. He could play the scene where he bites his fist well and his punches probably would have looked better than Caan's in the Carlo beatdown.
Found something offensive? Claimed they'll never watch another episode despite taking the time to type a "review"?
Fess up, which one of you characters is Howard. This guy fits the bill of a TV Clubber.
Ironically, other than this, Marvel newswires are pretty much the only ones here anymore that don't devolve into petty political/social justice squabbling, sniping, and/or airing of grievances within about five comments . Only because, the effort is spent on petty comic book franchise squabbling, sniping, and airing…
Are we operating under the assumption that people actually read the articles here?
Actually you're probably right. Enjoy them while you can, folks.
The real story is that there's now a Prince Vevo channel on Youtube. Yeah, its Vevo, but his label/estate/whatever is very copyright conscious and Prince music is suprisingly tough to find on Youtube.