Cy Tolliver

My opinion of Zack Snyder's filmography runs from negative to lukewarm at best. That said, I actually liked Sucker Punch. I found it effective because I wasn't expecting such a dark and depressing tale wrapped up in popcorn entertainment trappings. (which ironically enough was kind of how I felt about BvS but a

Well, depends on your definition of "care about". Ratings-wise, probably not. However, we just got an article here today that declares Outlander to be IMPORTANT.

I've been thinking for a while this show is going to be making a little bit of a splash. Its tailor made for a wave of think pieces. I think within the next five years, the subject in question is going to emerge as a new front in The Culture War (where interestingly, the battle lines aren't going to be so clear

Fantastic Four was only 90 some minutes.

Yeah, he was on one of the audio commentaries for Boardwalk and I was surprised that Dunn's slow drawl (which sounded very naturalistic and real) was a creation as the actor sounded nothing like him. Great acting!

Ha, I knew this was going to happen.
Even though I've been one of the minority of people beating the drum for the show this season, last night's episode left me a little cold, although I knew it would be well received in the review and comments based on it being more buttoned down.

You poor people are gluttons for punishment.

Sorry Spidey, when it comes to modern era superhero movies though, your last movie is still The Worst. (At least the Elektra movie was short.)

Speaking of Irons, the costume design for this movie was really on point from a sartorial standpoint. Bruce and Alfred's charcoal grey and black wardrobes. Clark's journalist hipster chic with plaid shirts and thick frame glasses. A very snazzy affair. If you're a man and want to know how to dress, watch BvS.

Not to get all spoilery, but the one major aspect of this universe that the writers and producers couldn't crack is now out of the picture (for the time being).

Having seen BvS now, I'm not buying the whole "no jokes" meme on the internet.

Spring breeeeeeak. That's one of my favorite movies of the last couple years. Definitely weird for being weird's sake but also pretty accessible for a Harmony Korine movie. I do agree with you about Franco being more buttoned down than advertised, though. I'd advise anyone that dug the movie and its aesthetic to

To be honest, I'm not sure if I've ever seen the original from start to finish uncut and unedited, however, there's also the infamous "Fuck yo mama" in East St. Louis which was changed to "What I look like? Christopher Columbo?" in the tv cut (which I think is the funnier line) plus Clark goes on brief f-bomb tirade.

I'm watching Vacation (2015) and its absolutely TERRIBLE. Not nearly enough hate was inflicted on this movie by the critics last summer. I'm far from a prude (my avatar is a Deadwood character) but the movie's only stock in trade is crudity. And not even funny crudity. Mainly a lot of "fucks", both in the dialogue

I agree about BvS. It had questionable pacing (to be generous) and a wildly inconsistent tone but some of those choices stuck with me. Like how they really went there with Lex's big attack in the middle of the movie. I was not expecting something so diabolical and evil.

I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. Sam Elliot. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners.

I wouldn't be surprised if this spurious Nas connection is some Paul Feig/Columbia publicity stunt to get the rights to use Hate Me Now and doubling down on the theory the doubters of this movie hate women.

Unpopular opinion to some but I think If Vince doesn't destroy all the territories and take things in a more "showbiz" and tongue-in-cheek direction, I don't know if pro wrestling makes it to 2016, at least with prime time major cable station time slots.

Paramount's got to make a profit on Beowulf somehow.

If it keeps a convenience store going, you might see Jessica Biel on the milk cartons. Seriously, where'd she go?