I'm pretty sure Andy Warhol would have loved that scene. He was a guy that hung around backstage at WWF events in the 80's.
I'm pretty sure Andy Warhol would have loved that scene. He was a guy that hung around backstage at WWF events in the 80's.
I don't know. Breitbart's politics and there's always a toxicity surrounding that subject. Slate seems pretty innocuous and Infowars seems like a silly throwback to whatever the internet would have been in 1992. Gawker, though, cast a wide net over celebrity, sports, tech, culture. It was the Spectre of internet…
Damn, I had never really considered it, but I think you're right. The internet seemed (to me) to get a lot more toxic around 2010ish, and that runs parallel with Gawker's heyday.
I was thinking about that scene from The Sopranos with Buscemi earlier today before hearing this news. ("Because I'm the boss…that's why" came up at work.) I'll take the blame for this one.
The Legend of Zelda franchise
history and decay
I went down the X-men nerd rabbit hole with a free Marvel Unlimited subscription and (actually paid to re-up for a couple months) and really dug a lot of the 00's stuff especially Grant Morrison and to a lesser extent Matt Fraction (Whedon's run was fine but the space opera hijinks aren't my favorite version of the…
The second season premiere drew a third the total viewers of the pilot.
I think Jai Courtney could handle gritty. I should probably addend my comment to add effortlessly likable, though.
Only the pentintent man will pass, though. Penitent man….penitent man….
The Indiana Jones series is one of, if not my favorite, franchise but at this point, I think I want a reboot set back in the 1930's. I mean, that was really the final decade before globlalism firmly set in (at least from an American perspective) and thus the last where there was still mysteries in the world and…
I'd actually be genuinely interested in reading A Customer's treatise on how Titanic relies too heavily on gimmicks. Is casting Billy Zane a gimmick, for instance?
Its sort of like the sequel plans that get leaked to the trades the week before every superhero movie, only with actual tangible results. From Fantastic Four 2 to the Amazing Spiderman Universe.
Wow. How was this never A Thing on the internet?
….and that was the last time the words "high-brow" ever appeared on the same page as "Robert Kirkman".
Fuck you, Al. Free fucking gratis.
One episode. So he can join Cirian Hinds (who admittedly looked like he let himself go) and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (yes, I copied and pasted that) as distinguished HBO vets who were grossly underused on Game of Thrones.
Cannavale's bull-in-a-china-shop quality makes him eminently watchable. There's been this trend this last couple years in tv criticism against more morally compromised characters. Granted, there are examples of bad and/or dull types of these characters. Look no further than Frank Underwood and House of Cards. Now…
The AV Club
My take, from only having seen a trailer and reading these reviews and comments
Medieval Folk Rock was a thing in the early 70's. (This was also a running gag in the Bill Burr-Netflix show F is For Family, so I guess you could say there's a…..renaissance for making a joke of it). My quick online research tells me Gryphon was probably the most successful of these types of bands.