Cy Tolliver

I really like Gladiator. Great action scenes that weren't topped by the slew of swords and sandals imitators that followed in its wake. My only complaint.is that the Emperor Commudus scenes are a bit of a slog when I'm usually all about ancient Roman politicking in drama. Also, I'd be lying if "He was a soldier of

Gladiator was the first DVD I owned when the format was still relatively new. (I think it may have been the first for a lot of people actually seeing as how that's right about when DVD first exploded.) It definitely set a high bar for bonus features. One of the highlights was some preproduction storyboards and

The fact that a Richie Aprile reference wasn't used in the headline is more proof that this site is less and less for me anymore.

I bet you never thought you'd see Richie Aprile doing the downward dog.

There's going to be more shoppers in video game sections of stores over the next month and a half then the rest of the year combined. I have no doubt it (and almost everything else with a name brand and marketing) will sell. Plus the linear style of game runs counter to the multiplayer focus of battlefront and cod

It looks like this entry has a little more whimsy than the previous one which I thought played great but wallowed a little too much in misery for the first half of the game. I do take issue with the review's description of the series being in a "shame spiral" before the reboot. Legend/Anniversary/Underworld were all

I've rewatched the three Craig movies in preparation for Spectre and agree with most of this. I think my appreciation of Casino Royale has grown over time and should justifiably sit in most people's Top 5 if not higher.

Rooney Mara's career has disintegrated to the point where they'll be able to afford…..Rooney Mara.

Yeah, I don't know how anyone could view Craig's outburst as anything other than a play to cash in on one big final payday.

The AV Club says the next Bond should be a woman. Try to keep up.

Weeney is the best way to describe him, ironically enough.

I like the first hour of QoS quite a bit then think it loses a little luster when the action shifts entirely to Bolivia. That score during the opera scene is worthy of a recommendation alone.

I wouldn't go as far as to call them all "uneven" but almost every single one hits a bad note or two. Be it Sheriff JW Pepper or Goldeneye's horrendous score.

So its like Skyfall then?

I'm just glad to hear there's actually naked women back in the opening credits. I miss that Maruice Binder produced sleaze that was apparently filmed the night before deadline in some cases. My favorite is probably A View to A Kill's dayglo makeup and skiing theme.

I wish I could make out the lyrics but I wish there was Sopranos content on here at least once a week so Great Job, Internet.

Hardwick gets a lot of crap and rightfully so in a lot of cases, but I've picked an odd Nerdist podcast or two that are suprisingly good and prove that he can be a good interviewer under the right conditions. A two parter with Clive Barker sticks out in my mind as being a combination of strange, uncomfortable, yet

Fuck. And he was only egg hatched 63 years ago.

I'm going with the AV Club.

I had been working my way through the 4 hour(!) documentary Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy which is streaming on Netflix. I'm not even a huge Nightmare on Elm Street fan but for anyone interested in film, regardless of their appreciation of horror movies, I think this is essential viewing. Its an