Cy Tolliver

You don't need to refer to Moe Greene as "the guy who says….". That character's been immortalized in cinema culture just from basically one scene. Although, as quotable as the character is, I've never thought he was a great Bugsy Siegel surrogate.

Because of the release strategy, its tough to find a unified discussion of Orange is the New Black Season 3. What did everyone that finished it think? I think they found gold in putting a spotlight on Caputo (even at the expense of Healy's lack of development). Piper's heel turn on Ruby Rose didn't make a lot of

While I agree with your sentiment, looking at your post history you probably should go around being so aggrieved at everything!

BG "Bling Bling" Henne may be the least informed of AV Club writers (which is saying something).

Theres only 3 guarantees in life: death, taxes, and Back to the Future being on tv on the weekend.

I don't think sports talkers are as interested in being right as just being able to fill air time and entice some calls.

None of the above. I think Rodgers is a great QB. I just find the speculation amusing.

Oh man, I could think of dozens of nominees for that one.

I want an Olivia Munn biopic more than another X-men movie. It would be amazing. Capitalizes on nerd culture to jumpstart her career before throwing it aside, has ethically questionable encounters with sleazy Hollywood producers, becomes a beard to a closeted pro quarterback. That's a great story right there and

Olivia Munn's feminine charms have no effect on Rodgers though. (Allegedly)

This got a newswire but Bill Simmons didn't? I like criticizing your competitors for you, AVClub, and you denied me some good old fashioned Grantland criticism in the comments. I'll trash Vulture for you anytime you want.

I'll be the one to say it.

Mildly. Ian McShane is in this season. The sum of its parts are better than the whole.

Ray Donovan actually does good numbers for a premium cable show with over a million viewers a week. The "we hate troubled male anti-heroes" wave on the internet killed it in online critical circles.

Orange is The New Black should not be classified as Drama.
Amy Schumer stole a Lead Comedic Actress nom from Emmy Rossum. Give Schumer one for writing if you must but I find it hard to consider sketch performances capital-A Acting.

Pretty much.

I dug this movie a lot. Its one of my favorites in recent memory. I hope it eventually finds a second life because its failure to make a dent at the box office doesn't bode well for adult oriented movies that aren't part of a franchise or based on a best selling novel.

He doesn't appear on any alt comedy podcasts that I'm aware of, so he's totally fair game to trash here.

The actor that plays the British Major has the perfect face for an 18th century military leader. He looks like he stepped out of a painting from the era.

Cabbage for everyone!