
Time to re-watch…
….Barton Fink and The Man Who Wasn't There. I love the Coen Bros., but for whatever reason did not get into these two movies. I even found the Clooney/Catherine Zeta-Jones flick breezy entertainment. Haven't seen The Ladykillers, and after reading selected posts doubt that I will. I will say that

Give 'em the ol' horned goat, Grandma!
"Pupposed?" Damn, I'm a newbie on these boards and already misspelling like a fool. Getting back to the Satan stuff, that was indeed all over the map in the '80's I remember that back-masking was the big deal. Lot's of church folk playing Zeppelin and Judas Priest vinyl

Yep, only I recall it as being Knights In Satan's Service. Today it is more like they're in service of the $$$$. Weren't they pupposed to have had their farewell tour in 2000 or something?

The Red Hot Chili Peppers nominated for the R'n'R Hall of Fame. It's official now. I'm older than dirt.

I'm just waiting on the release of the long-lost Slayer gospel album.