
So glad you picked Justified, which has consistently been one of the best shows on TV the last four seasons.

Paige didn't just die, though—Derek killed her to end her suffering. That probably would fuck you up pretty good, killing the girl you love. Not to say Kate's treachery is no big deal. But still.

I too appreciate the clever titles, and I only got the spoiler aspect of last week's in retrospect, but (and possibly because of the spoiler-nature of the previous week) when I saw this week's title I knew the kid did it, even without knowing the story. There's a danger in that, the too-spoilery title. Make us work

I too appreciate the clever titles, and I only got the spoiler aspect of last week's in retrospect, but (and possibly because of the spoiler-nature of the previous week) when I saw this week's title I knew the kid did it, even without knowing the story. There's a danger in that, the too-spoilery title. Make us work