
Somebody else, the guy from Emergency Awesome, pointed this one out before. I guess the anxiety of influence is indeed anxious in the AV Club's reviews.

James Franco should bartleby himself. He's just a bored celebrity who cannot stop being boring.

Playing around with words while the world burns, isn't that what the AV Club is about?

Amazing piece!! My childhood thanks it.

In a way, Rupert Giles has nailed it. Nobody refers to Jerry Seinfeld's face when the AV Club writes an article about him. He's not only a comedian, he's a guy.

And when he went to the Irish American Heritage Center…

I guess it's the same as using the word "men" instead of "men and women". It might be impractical to say "men and women", but saying it also implies the acknowledgement of the political dimension of the word "men" as universal signifier.

Obviously, while eating some delivered McDonald's double-cheese burgers and fries in your hotel room…

Sábado Gigante isn't shown in all Latin American countries. Its cultural references seem to relate to Central America, and may be to some of the countries in the west side of South America (Chile, Perú, etc). It aims at older people, basically, since it portrays popular culture in very conservative terms.

Absolutely. He's one of the few film reviewers who treats films as films, because he understands the specificity of the medium.

You're missing a lot of great films then.

Both are amazing shows, but I think they treat violence very differently. I even think The Americans is more disturbing than Hannibal.

Oh yeah, Patrick should lose his job, which is pretty much a sign of his infatuation with simulations-of-experience. It'd be great if for a while he worked at Walmart & for minimum wage ja. Or whatever passes in the States as a job that forces you not to play the stuck-in-childhood card.

Well, I imagine you have CF in mind. But I don't think you can generalize Argentinian politics and, in particular, peronism, when discussing South American heads of state. Argentina truly has a very singular, unique political history (try to explain to a foreigner the intimate historical relation between peronism, the