The Middle Cat

In re: "argumentative"

As someone who's been reading D'Angelo for nearly a decade, I am looking forward to him hating everything at Cannes.

"Let's just listen to James Horner's soundtrack to 'The Pelican Brief,' shall we?… Ahh, track three: 'Researching the Brief.'"

Pam's semi-stunned "I look forward to getting to know you better" was one of the highlights of the ep for me.

I was unfortunate enough to see this. I assure you it's just as good as it sounds.

Apparently, his producers re-edited it for American release. This DVD version excises 15 minutes from Tavernier's cut (which was released in the rest of the world).

Pollack is fantastic in this movie. That look he gives when he asks Dr. Bill how long it's going to take to clean up the OD'd hooker is priceless—he's so put out that he's missing the party.

Those stupid digital inserts fairly ruin the scene. The unexpurgated version has all of this wild animalistic thrusting which really heightens the creepiness when contrasted against the pageantry of the setting. It makes the scene much more brutal and depraved, and the overall impact is completely different.

I have to say, the last line does ring hopeful for me: it's basically Kidman's call for them both to leave the realm of their fantasies and come back to each other, in reality. Getting trapped in their thoughts and their imagination has brought them to this crisis, and only returning to the physical fact of their

I still have unfortunate positive associations to Mohr based on my fondness for "Action". That show was ahead of its time, and the apt comparison is not so much Entourage as Arrested Development. I believe it was one of the first—make that earliest—single-camera sitcoms, and it was 'edgy' and unsentimental in a

Well, this WAS the best Random Roles since Teri Garr, failure notwithstanding.
I suppose it's too late to say anything, now that the self-immolations have begun.

COMING SOON: Illeana Douglas IS Internet Eating Sensation Dave Chang!

I didn't even know that 'hoisin' was a thing. Still don't, I guess (a sauce of some kind?).

Also, too, the iTunes version of the record never fulfills my dorkly need to know who plays the harmonium on track three.

Also, too, the iTunes version of the record never fulfills my dorkly need to know who plays the harmonium on track three.

Also, too, the iTunes version of the record never fulfills my dorkly need to know who plays the harmonium on track three.

Chartex, you're absolutely right. I have radios positioned strategically throughout my apartment-shower very much included—to ensure I am never out of range of the NPR edu-drone.

Last year, TAL did an awesome story about how the Onion is put together, and Ira acknowledged what a successful burn that article was.

Filmspotting (a new show out of Chicago—check out the podcast) is a frustrating case—I really want a film-themed show on NPR, and it should be a perfect fit, but actually listening to it is like drinking urine—I just can't seem to make myself like it.

Eh, post away. We're all going to die anyway.