
YES! (Do we secretly hope that's who we'd be in such a scene? Of course.


bite your tongue!!

always a thrill to see an unexpected Ed Begley Jr!

BTW, Mallory is in the 70 vicinity—think she knows? Think she'd like Fury Road? Come on guys, knock it the fuck off!

Thank you thank you thank you! YES!! We were god-damned hippies, for christ-sake!! Sexism and racism have always loomed large in our culture, but this is the first time I'm getting what ageism is all about. Turn 70 and you're immediately a dotty, adorable nana with no cultural references. UGH

I'm torn because she does sound like some rickety ol' grandma, pleased that there was praying in the movie for example. But maybe she or they edited it that way. I'm a few months short of 70 and can't wait to see it again. But not for any of the silly reasons she had. Her "review" embarrasses me.

Yes!! Thank you!!

Thank you! 70 year old women created the feminist movement. I am uncomfortable with her voice being representative of my generation's take on this terrific film. Yes, she's adorable, but believe me, many of us are not so cute and don't want to be treated that way.

Which is what irritates me about this article. So 70 year old women are quaint, cute things who, good God, actually stayed awake through the movie! Jeez!! We were at Woodstock!! I, for one, was one of those hippie chicks Don met at Esalen last week. I loved all the Road Warrior films, but this one was by far the

Nonsense!! Hardy was terrific!


Exactly, I'm going to go back and watch it again. Seeing him here reminded me how great he was there. Such a shame they couldn't manage to treat the horses better so the brilliant show could continue.

Brienne wouldn't want anyone else to know that Arya was alive; that's why she wanted to speak privately

well said,sir

First time I liked both of them in a very long time

B+??? What show was Erik watching? Did he switch over to American Crime? Clearly it wasn't that deeply satisfying GoT! It had everything a fan could wish.


Wasn't that appalling?

Amy Goodman, Elizabeth Warren. Oh, you said "guys"