Yeah, that's right! Big whoop! Wanna fight about it?
Yeah, that's right! Big whoop! Wanna fight about it?
Norton is infamous for alternating between disparaging self-deprecation & mocking or insulting others, either to 'knock them down a peg' or just schadenfreude. Whether you agree with the implications of what he says is up to you. Personally I find him better at radio improvisation, including characters, than stand-up…
"On the nose"?
Fuck yeah, awesome nightmares FTW!
Yeah, that's one issue I take with the show. I think he tries to convince himself of certain things in order to try being a better person, whatever the motive, whether they're necessarily true or not. With such humility, or at least an attempt at at least seeming that way, I'm surprised he's putting himself out there…
Slow or not, it's a force of habit I suppose.
I explicitly stated 'take that anyway you like', did I not?
Boy, the level of anti-FG righteous indignation in this thread so far, of the mindset of "if I don't like it then nobody should be allowed to", is astonishing. Hey, priggish snobs, guess what? FG is currently the superior program to what is referred to as "the Simpsons" nowadays! Take that anyway you like!
I still prefer Safari/Internet Explorer to Firefox, and for awhile refused to use programs that weren't in 'classic' for Mac OS, simply because of functionality & comfortable familiarity, so I can sympathize a bit here.
So… is this a "Francoception"?
Why do I picture Krieger from "Archer" being the individual who came up with this idea because he REALLY wants his CCR albums to stay fresh for years?
Good callback to writers for each other's shows.
Wow, how did he get a cartoon character to make a cameo?
Wait, didn't 'Elevator' get the higher grade anyways?
Thanks for the response :)
I wouldn't call Dunham 'fat', per se, but if chubby is still considered above average, I completely understand your sentiment.
I believe there's a subtle difference between being shallow/superficial and being judgemental. The former isn't as often associated with arrogance or self-righteousness, and in fact may manifest itself as simple honest humility in some cases.
Uh, what about the overweight, acne-riddled neckbeard geek stereotype? Is that more of a common-misconception stereotype, or are 'geek' and 'nerd' culture more distinct from one another than I realize?
I can't watch P&R, nor any of those primetime basic network sitcoms for that matter. I'm no artsy-fartsy snob, but I do expect a bit of creative realistic grit to 'must-see' shows.
But if they're eunuchs, how can they have a successful threesome in the first place?