Black Shadow

What are those ducks doing in a barrel?

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Random cool: in the professor's office, the "Onibaba" mask is hanging on the wall.

Random cool: in the professor's office, the "Onibaba" mask is hanging on the wall.



I hardly recognized him with his face intact.

I hardly recognized him with his face intact.

Yeah, his performance as "Passenger" in Donnie Darko was quite stunning.

Yeah, his performance as "Passenger" in Donnie Darko was quite stunning.

Fuck all that noise: make "Zen Arcade" your jump-off point.

Fuck all that noise: make "Zen Arcade" your jump-off point.

Kind of a misogynist, that Bugliosi. But what do you want, he's Italian.

Kind of a misogynist, that Bugliosi. But what do you want, he's Italian.

A+ for the Art Department on this one, guys.

A+ for the Art Department on this one, guys.

As good a time as any to finally check out their post-"Killing Joke (2003)" stuff, I guess. That was a killer record.

As good a time as any to finally check out their post-"Killing Joke (2003)" stuff, I guess. That was a killer record.

In music, so far:

In music, so far: