
My first Pokemon game was Blue and I ended up crying in my room because after half an hour I couldn't figure out how to get out of the house at the beginning.

I'm glad he stuck to his Gunns

I kind of just assumed he would live forever…

Just a short distraction

I can't remember which song it was, maybe "Gangsta," but I hated it when I first heard it on the radio but by now I'm SUPER PUMPED to listen to Nikki-Nack in full

Chicago, see Tom Hardy in Descartes early and for free

Having lived in Minneapolis for far too long, this band is catnip

"Remember when nobody knew Jennifer Lawrence and she was blue?
Now everybody knows Jennifer Lawrence, and she'll be blue again!

I am 100% certain that in the pictures they're at the Mall of America.

The Irish and North Dakotans do say "bar" pretty much the same way though

May I?

Daft Punk Is Playing At My House Is Playing At My Turnstile

Which 'Ye is which?

racs on racs on racs

This hasn't been pointed out, but if Mike loves The Wire that much, wait until he finds out that Bunk is Rachel's dad

There's really only like two.

There's really only like two.


It will be called "Math of the Titans", followed by #4, "Remember the… oh wait.