
i love Norm but…
i don't think TV shows that make light of sports can work in the long run. the only consistent audience for those types of shows will be sports fans, but sports fans are essentially humorless. we take sports as seriously as breathing and really dont want to be constantly reminded how unimportant it

we'll just have to sherm it up in his honor, ZMF

i'm gonna miss him. and i'm kinda pissed he got killed off. as far as i remember, this was the first episode that really tried to humanize him, and in turn, i found the character pretty fascinating. and then just like that, they take him out. i think there was a lot more there to work with. oh well.

funny you mentioned that, Marah. at the end last night i was shocked at how much it seemed most all of them were going to sincerely miss the house. i understand looking forward to coming back and getting paid again and being the king of the boardwalk and the summer and all that jazz, but i can't believe that any of

ron and sam
here's how the samron story ruined this season:

not to be a downer but…
My only issue with this episode, and it may be my only issue with the entire show in general, is how they handled the "protestors" and their plight against the coal company, a la "Harlan County USA" (as mentioned).

lets get back to the main point: Radiohead ruined REM.

you can try as hard as you want, but having interesting thoughts about the world is different from having continually new and interesting ways to express them.

Thom Yorke
let's be honest, Michael Stipe falling in love with Thom Yorke dealt just as deadly a blow to REM as the departure of Bill Berry.

"The movie Rocky kind of makes Philly look pretty shitty too. Pretty much everywhere but the final bout looks like the warsaw ghetto."

exactly my point, King Bastard. Why are these reality stars so much bigger than almost all the rest? why?

…perfect. ish.

Barry Lyndon, lesser Kubrick or one of his most perfect films? I vote for…

Can you really lump this show in with the rest of reality TV, though? It's pretty clearly transcended far beyond that and far beyond most things on TV — especially the shows of a similar ilk.

holy god
this is one of the most humorless shows on TV. still like it, though.

legitimizing polygamy
I tend to think that many of the storytelling problems this show has encountered in the past few seasons stem from Bill's trying to publicly legitimize polygamy. I really wish that character motivation had been left on the writer's room floor.

it's starting to seem like this is either going to be a titanic misfire or the greatest wry social commentary since Barry Lyndon. i see no in-betweens here.

yeah, they didn't shoot Pussy in the face, they just dumped his body in the ocean so Ariel and Flounder could give him a proper open casket.

i second The Second Coming. of the final three, that's my fav. a great little triumvirate.