The Best of Sterling Hayden

He's here to foul your crops and hand you a complicated explanation of your new healthcare benefits.

Looks like they've just been uncovered, though. As in, like, a pile of girls discovered in a homemade prison.

Oh, the seeds I've spilled. Amber, mother of three from Wisconsin who once crocheted the lyrics to "No Rain" on her SUV-cozy. And so many other ladies. Pat, I'd like to buy an "oh, baby."

I knew that @Dikachu:disqus wrote for Chuck Lorre Productions!

If The Call involves anyone getting scalped, I'm in.

Vampires. Creatures of darkness who only come out…

But what if a mom is trying to feed her babies, momma-bird stye?

I just symphahurled from reading your post!

Is someone tracking down AVC posters and punching

You can find lots of videos like that on the web! :)

What's wrong with the one on the right? Her legs look like Walking Dead special effects.

Yes, but @avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus always operates in the third person.

It had to be a reference to Twin Peaks specifically, right?

They have the thickest bandwidth, you know.

Of NPR and Motel Six fame? He's okay, I guess.

How do you think I got my diagnoses? I'll have a few more by this evening.

How can you have a bunch of boppin' douchebags without Jason Mraz?

The Google bop festival is much quicker, too, thank god.

Yeah, you can find lots of those videos too.

That's a good point. Juno is fun to make fun of, but it was sort of watchable and entertaining. Take This Waltz is what I feared that Girls would be like… cultivated quirkiness and depressing characters. I was wrong about Girls, but this movie was the bottom of the well-meaning-and-well-produced-but-really-boring