Comment Connoisseur

I seem to recall hearing…
Didn't he have some run-in with the law in 1990?


Seriously, who farted?

Bra-VO, good chap. Timely and incisive.

Stepin, LOVE the shtick. I mean, I know you yourself don't find it amusing in the slightest and you're surely just suffering through this minstrelry in order to make your socially-responsible point, but such is art; we must BLEED for it.

Delightful! Of course, this quip might have been a tad more appropriate in a thread about Tool reuniting. Did they break up? God, I hope so!

Cheers to the abandonment of caps lock, Gallagher! Jeers to the use of the term "mouthbreather" without its accompanying antonym "nosebreather"! Cheers to the use of the term "handy." Jeers to Saturday Night Live for allowing Andrew Dice Clay to host over Nora Dunn's objections! Cheers to your "brown round".

Oh INDEED. Quite ghastly, this Cave Commentor fellow. Not the caliber of humor I'm accustomed to on these boards at all. But it's not a total loss, if it means we can enjoy a deliciously biting salvo such as "back to the cave wall". Bravo, Supernaut! Cheers.