Tween LaQueefa

HARDCORE HISTORY fans who are more up with the play than me probably already know this but I just found out Dan Carlin has done Joe Rogan's podcast twice - eps 328 and 378. I don't have strong feelings one way or the other for Rogan, but you better believe Dan Carlin gets me going real nice.

As fantastic as his guests often are, Scottabot is more often than not the funniest guy in the room.

I guess being a daily hour-long podcast is a blessing and a curse. If you jump on board you must get deeper with them than you can with podcasts which only deliver once a week, but plenty of people must be turned off by the time investment required of being a fan of something which is five or so hours a week.

Christine Woods was so perfect for Whooch it made me wish she was a monthly fixture on the show.