Robert Downey Jr. as B.A.
Robert Downey Jr. as B.A.
Cue the A-Team montage music
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e r o m i t l a B
In the early 80's channel 56 out of Boston used to show a "Creature Double Feature" on the weekends but it was more of an old monster movie type deal.
Arsineo +10
Is "Whiter Shade of Pale" about an acid trip?
Pilgrim: What is the girlfriend test? Did the movie pass because she liked it?
Prison wine: Your avatar is fucking fantastic.
Agreed on Tommy Lee owning The Fugitive. That was the role that re-ignited his career deservedly. And yes, you can plug in others to the Harrison Ford role, but then you just wouldn't have that…uh, Harrison Ford effect. Come on, we're talking about Han Solo here.
Simmer down there, troll. We're just talking about movies here, relax.
Man, I don't drop character until I done the DVD commentary!
A curious amount of 13 nominations
I haven't seen Benjamin Button and it was my impression that is was maybe a nice average movie about love and living in the moment and so forth. Does it deserve 13 nominations? Was this movie actually kick-ass and should I give it a shot now?
I…must kill..,the queen
As I delete my browser history on work computer each afternoon
They don't know. They don't know shit. You're fucking Barretta.
Warns, there's no need to get personal. There are people on earth who have different opinions than you, call the music you like shit and laugh at your movie choices. There's no need for "an enormous waste of time, much like you". And the slavery angle, laughable at best, catapults you from the realm of logical…
Excuse me stewardess, but I speak jive.
Chris Rock
"Kill the Messenger" is yet again a substantially great stand up show by Rock.
You could put your Obama commemorative coins in it.
I remember well my fear of the Metroids in the Mother Brain level, and then the glory of finally defeating her (it?).
I am a fan of his too, Bill. He ain't some Johnny-come-lately like you or I. He's been around these parts for a while, payed his dues. The man has been speaking the truth, simply and directly, for months. Though he is just a doppelganger for the notorious ZMF he has carved out a pleasant, benign niche here and I do…