
Alright, I'm coming out: I prefer Augustine to Quarles. I think he beats him on creepiness any day of the week.

It's the voice, and the quiet little tilts of the head. (I originally typed "cock of the head', but I was afraid of invoking…well, you know who…)

So whatever Boyd's order was died with Colt, I guess. Except Jimmy the Snake Boy was in the car when Boyd said it. I wonder if we'll find out what Boyd told Colt to do.

My first concern- when she was so nonchalant about it- was that she was trying to get him to not read them real closely and somehow terminate his rights or give up custody to her.

My guess is nothing. The Detroit people are just banking on Winona calling Raylan to tell him the chair arrived, and he'll go, "but I didn't order a chair…"

The scene with Ava, Johnny, and Nicky in the bar made the least sense to me. Although he did it in the filthiest possible way, I think Nicky nailed Ava's character. He was basically saying that she attached herself to men who would do the work for her for favors, and he wasn't wrong. She married Bowman because he was

Vince Neill. Nowaways VN, not in the  80s.

I'm still mad at the so-called friend who recommended "Breaking The Waves". That movie almost ended me.

Hell, I won't make fun of you. I'll even own up to writing some of my own. I don't see any shame in it as long as you/I don't think it's anything more than it is. In my case, it's therapy. I write it to clear my head out. I'm not looking to make a career of it. Any writing is good writing practice.

What was the name of the story?

The more I think about it, the more I think Boyd is setting something up. 
Editted to say…thinking about it waaaaay too much: I think it's a set-up to draw out the Detroit mob guys. Boyd wants a fire fight because blowing sh** up is what he's good at.

Totally agree. Why send Shelby/Drew up the hill with Colt unless you want things to go horribly wrong? And who tipped Raylan off about the location of the field. Could've been Johnny or it could've been Boyd.

I puzzle over Ava a lot. It's quite a trick that EL played on us with her character. When we first meet her, she's just come off of killing her abusive husband, and it sort of automatically renders some sympathy for her. I mean, she's lived through a horrible marriage- so horrible that she felt she had no other way

I totally want Mr. Parlow-Thompson to survive and live out his days in the tropics. I so want that.
Colt- dead.
Cassie- dead
Limehouse- dead
Johnny- probably dead
Mike- dead

@avclub-0a3b9fc8e3bf1a227dbdc2c587d9c296:disqus - True, but he could've said, "By gum, I think Ellen May's with Shelby". Instead, he chose to make a comment about her panties. It's more character-building: more reasons why Raylan's relationships don't last. It was also good character-building for Rachel to not let him

Keep in mind how many weapons the opposing team on the ground usually has. If they fish that rocket launcher out of the creek, it evens up the odds some.

Remember Boyd's trailer in S1? The set decorators on this show are great. There was a stuffed crow, a bunch of plastic plants, and a hand granade on the coffee table.

@avclub-86e4ff8cc268ab36c7e3c5c53d2293a4:disqus beat me to it. I thought it was a borderline mysoginistic thing of Raylan to say. What damned business it is of his what the girl's panties look like? I thought Rachel was calling him on it.

The "Tim is gay" beacon went off automatically there. Then it went, "oh, you said Mike…" and shut off again.

A little death? No! Please, do not let him orgasm on camera.