
I take it all back…
I watched the episode again, and I take back what I said about Tim having his own stuff going on the side. I think, that when Tim backed off of shooting Colt, it's because he realized that what Boyd was saying was true even if it was coming from Boyd. I think Tim may actually be The officer of the

@ComradeQuestions:disqus - do we have any inkling that Drew/Shelby and his ex have been in contact throughout the years? There was the mention that houses of her psychic clients were getting robbed.

(I am always wrong, but…) I don't see Ava dying, but I don't see her relationship with Boyd surviving. Something is going to go very wrong.

I think the assumption/ assertion is that Cassie isn't entirely on the level either. Boyd sees her as another grifter. Maybe they figured she wouldn't tell because she wouldn't want to bring the scrutiny on herself. I dunno- this episode was fun but also pretty fraught with inconsistancies.

Like  @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus said above, I don't think we can assume Tim doesn't have his own motivations for being irreverent. Long, long ago, Tim aluded to wishing he could've shot his own father but the guy died before Tim got home from basic.
I like to think that- while Raylan has been off

I agree. Colt's an addict, not an idiot. Boyd met him in Kuwait, so he held it together as an MP for how long? I'd guess he thought the gun thing through.

Told ya I'd be wrong! :D

Tim has to know that by leaving Colt alive for Boyd, he's essentially damning the guy.

So, help me get it straight in my head and start the betting, if you wish. Who is on the list of possibilities to be Drew? He has to be a fifty-ish, most likely white male who appeared in Harlen 25-30 years ago. He has money, but he might not be showing it off. So, there's:
1. Sheriff Shelby Parlow
2. Art
3. Arlo

I thought it was telling (of her supposed psychic abilities) that she didn't. She didn't ask him what was wrong, she asked if something was wrong. Even a non-psychic could look at his face and see that something was up.

I think we're going to (finally) learn a lot about Tim in how he handles that situation. It may not all be things we wanted to learn about Tim.

Whaaaa! I acknowledged it, like, two pages ago! Drew left Eve, so why would he take her clothes with him.

Thank God- I thought it was all in my head. Yes, it did, and it sucks mightily.

Or "The Shit Went All Raylan".

I'm curious about Arlo's apparent immunity to clomazapan. Did the guard not actually double his dose (and therefore intend for Arlo to do Hunter in?) or did Arlo have a hell of a tolerance?

With a dash of Vince Neil. Old Vince Neil.

@yahoo-XA4RDSRSUX3XRSCPRR7XNGSPUQ:disqus - Shelby did make that weird comment about how Ellen Mae favored his wife when she was wearing his clothes. In normal tv, that would equal that we're going to find out she's his daughter. Don't know if this show will go there, but it was a spooky line…

Hasn't her name always been Ellen Mae in the credits? Johnny can't even spell her name right. Or course, I'm guessing he doesn't have to do her W-2s or anything.

Fine. No Dairy Queen, then.

Arlo didn't have the impulse control to be Drew Thompson. He would've been more like the Devil to Drew Thompson's Boyd.