Does anyone else get the sense that Boyd totally knows Colt didn't kill Ellen Mae? The reviewer seemed to think Boyd was blind to it, but I dunno…
Does anyone else get the sense that Boyd totally knows Colt didn't kill Ellen Mae? The reviewer seemed to think Boyd was blind to it, but I dunno…
Husband and I discussed this after watching. Guessing that the character has a limp knocks Arlo, Art, and Shelby out of the line-up. Although Art does have something of a little limp when he's running…I'm still thinking Thompson is going to be someone we haven't seen before.
@avclub-dc7f42035d0b5d0ce42f21e5fcec6184:disqus - I think the plan was bump up and…..*crickets*……
Arlo's in prison in Kentucky; Randall's parole violation will get him shipped back to FLA. The best we can hope for is that Raylan has to transport him.
Still thinking about the new "Reckless Rachel". I haven't decided whether or not I like it. Does this mean Tim is going to turn out to be the level-headed one?
@avclub-843f7125a533748d5477271f8eebd9b1:disqus - At first glance, I would tend to think not as well, but…alcohol is the mother of all gateway drugs, and I've definately worked with guys who started out as drinkers and then got in to heroin because it's what was available, and then went back to heavy alcohol use. I've…
Dear God, don't do that. Because you know what other show half these people have been on- Sex In The City. Lord knows if you rub the Marshal Stiffy it's just as likely to conjure up a reunion of that…and nobody wants that.
Damnit, I was wrong again (as always)! I was going to predict that Colton's little expose' last week about guys getting hooked on smack in Afghanistan was going to somehow come back to being Tim.
@avclub-7c9c47db388f0f6780f93d7d02a9f9de:disqus - I got the impression that Art continued using the phrase precisely because it make Tim and Raylan recoil.
So it was sort of a double-entendre when Rachel said, "I guess they couldn't wait"?
I didn't get why they tossed it at all since she knew exactly where the money was hidden.
Was there a lot of purple in this episode? Does that mean something deeper, or did the Marshall's office all just call each other the night before?
Silverfish. That is all.
…as interpreted by experts?
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus - What is up with mothers anyway? I used to be a pizza delivery driver, and my mom was always telling me to watch out for the people who ordered pizzas because they were rapists.
Eeee! I hate that sound when they move against eachother! Snake-on-snake is the worst.
I wonder how many kidneys Tim has.
I read that as Dave Navarro. I want to see that show.
I see it as affectionate, coming from Raylan. If he didn't like her/ respect her then he wouldn't tease her. There's a little moment in the very first episode where Tim gets a file out and basically flies it over Rachel's head on his way to a table. Because she's short. It's something a brother would do, and it shows…
Elmore Leonard isn't really the guy to turn to for great, emotionally balanced female leads. Karen Sicso, maybe. Otherwise, they tend to be secondary characters. Raylan's women are more testiments to Raylan's emotional state and level or maturity rather than lead characters in their own right. Ava has transcended that…