
"Where can I get some DAM bait!"

Dude, you just blew my mind!!!

@Toohey- You said it a lot more reasonably than I could have. I'm more prone to dickish interjections. The painting collage analogy was spot on. Thats basically all DJing is. Cut up someone else's material, paste it together with another song, then call it an original composition. Even the most inept three-chord

Oh, but being a DJ is so "creative"! Its just like learning to play the piano, or guitar, or drums, or saxaphone, or any other real instrument!

That Was A Close One
I thought that this was another stupid hipster band with a punctuation mark in their name. This actually sounds enjoyable.

Guitar Hero = Dude pretending to be a real musician, playing a real instrument.

The hipsters are torn between their love of dance-punk and their hatred of fat people.

Well I just bought this at Amoeba here in Hollywood last month. And I think that its been out a little longer than that even. Apparently Chicago is getting their CDs a month late. New paradigm my ass!

Why dont you learn a real instrument?

Thats Fly!
Now theres a "music" game which requires EVEN LESS musical ability than Rock Band/ Guitar Hero! What happens when theres little difference between the "toy" instrument and the supposedly "real" instrument?

Bad manners at the store are a perfectly acceptable pretext for beating the hell out of a child, thus turning them into a sociopath later on.

My Only Question
Is John Goodman in it? Because as good as Burn After Reading was, it was still hurting for a little Goodman appearance.

Hipsters Eat Stupid Band Names

"Commercial" = Fat + Black + "Sassy"

I'm looking forward to the Damned's reunion tour.

With the expanded catagory, I can see District 9 and Coraline getting in the Best Picture catagory. I think after Dark Knight, the Acadamy realized they needed to pay at least a little lip-service to non-Oscar-bait-genre pictures, which is the only reason I can think to expand the catagory. Even though I know that

Wall of Voodoo!! For a few years toward the end of Nervous Genders's original incarnation Wall of Voodoo served as their back-up band and they called themselves Wall of Gender. Pretty cool, huh?

I may be late but I got ya'll beat for obscurity. In high school I became obsessed with 70s-early 80s First-Wave Californian synthpunk. No, this was not dance-punk or new wave, aggressive, confrontational punk rock that took punk's iconoclasm against traditional ideas of rock and roll by abandoning guitars

ON the surface they're racist, but deep down inside they're just confusing Obama for Bush. I mean, most of what they're protesting, excessive spending, increasinf the debt, trampling the Constitution, were policies put forward by Bush, right?

Despite how much Fox News wants to argue that they are right just because they have relatively high ratings (any college freshman whom has taken a Criticle Thinking or Logic 101 class would recognize that as being a logical fallacy), their ratings still only represent a tiny fraction of the populace. And of course, so