
Have you ever seen them together?

J for Just Dandy!

White Negro by Norman Mailer

The tag line should be-
"Bringing the Industrial Revolution to the world of dating!"

You mean, "will keep on gifting", right?

For some reason, when I first read the title, I thought 'gator' was some new form of 'cougar'.

Thats the funniest shit I've seen in a long time

I heard it was Overnight Delivery. God, why does that always come on Comedy Central when I should be sleeping?

According to the Wiki gods, the title 'Mac and Me' was a blatant rip-off of E.T.'s working title, 'E.T. and Me'.

Whats wrong with Congo? It has Bruce Campbell, Tim Curry, AND Ernie Hudson!

An overdose of Big Macs and Coca-Cola often produces insulin-shock-induced hallucinations of dancing teddy bears and creepy frog-people. They probably had no idea what was going on.

I love the fact that the aliens managed to bring Calegory back to life, but they dont fix his legs! Talk about the ultimate in inter-galactic dickery!

God, whatever sunglasses. I appreciate how earnest you appear to be, and you appear to be very passionate about finding new bands, but thats the kind of passion I prefer to reserve for my OWN creative output, not others. You ask most creative people what they think about the most recent film, music, television, what

Yes, yes, very cute.

I'm not dismissing anything, sunglasses. If something peaks my interest I'm more than willing to give it a go, but I really dont care enough to follow EVERYTHING that comes down the pike out of some misplaced desire to remain always 'current'. Frankly, I dont have the economic resources for that anyway. I'm quite

Well, since Sonic Youth is nearly 30 years old now, I dont think that its too much of a stretch that I may still follow them while remaining ignorant of many new acts. And its not even that I'm all that ignorant, I simply like what I like, which is sometimes new (Fucked Up, Mika Miko, No Age, The Horrors). But I

3/4 was good enough this year.

Fuck you dolphin!

I plan on using 'skull-scourer' in daily conversation now.

Wow! I'm Really Lost!
Not really familiar with any of this. How about the new Sonic Youth album?