
Im not exactly on board with this article either. Sure, the scene was rather maudlin, but I dont agree with the vitriol on display. Ultimately, it comes down to who the patient, in this case Will, can trust and feel conected to. If he is so defensive that he can only trust a therapist whom has experienced the same

Sorority House Massacre
and the innumerable other cheesy horror skin fliks involving school

Dont forget all of Otto's school bus death rides!

"Thank the Lord"? "Thank the LORD"! That sounded like a prayer! A prayer in public school! God has no place within these walls, just as facts have no place in orginized religion!

So Novak was diagnosed with brain cancer after he committed a hit-and-run? Thats the best proof of karma I've heard. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Loki contributed more to society than Robert Novak. Loki will be dearly missed.

Well, I must say thats good to hear. I was skeptical of Tarantino's ability to write believable dialogue for World War II grunts that didnt sound like overly clever college undergrads. If the dialogue really is purposeful and suspenseful then I may reconsider seeing the movie.

Every year there are reports of cougar, puma, or mountain lion attacks in Los Angeles, and as a kid I was always confused as to how one animal could have three different names. Now I know.

Not Sold On This
I've been rather on the fence about seeing IG and this AV Talk hasn't really convinced me otherwise. It seems that it left everyone disappointed or luke-warm to a certain degree, and is only recomended if you're a serious Tarantino fan and have been looking for to this film since Jackie Brown. Which I

Kevins pretty busy with all those "Lilo and Stitch" sequals, and Bruce is busy with me thinking that he might be dead or something.

Junk mail saved my life!

Shaq Fights…
Michael Vick's dogs. Now I'm going to go to Hell. See y'all later!


Some Movies Which Came To My Mind
… after viewing were the Fly, George Romero's Land of the Dead, and especially Robocop (as oppose to Starship Troopers).

It really went down hill after they lost half the cast and Jonesy started putting on weight. I will miss Terry, though.

Sandman is not a Disney fan. He's much more about Warner Bros.

In an interview excerpt on Miyazaki's wikipedia page, he says he began to move away from his youthful interest in Marxism (though he remains a socialist) during the making of Nausicaa, stating that "its a lie that one is always right becuase he/she is a laborer". I suspect that this had a lot to do with the changing

I'm sure it will involve someone being hit by something very loud, and then falling down very fast and very load, and then Peter abuses Meg in a way thats more frightening and sickening then actually funny.

Fair enough (thats why I used the qualifier "generally"), but Cagliostro was an early movie in his career.

The trailer that has Piven rebeling against airline anti-smoking policy ("30 years ago you could smoke on any plane, and you know what we did then? We put a man on the Moon!") had me optomistic about this movie. Then all the ads seemed fairly lame, as well as the clips played on various late-night show, and now after