
Someone's been studying how 2001 became a hit…

That made me laugh way too hard, Kinopio.

Crazy, Crazy Night
If you listen closely, at the very end of that video, as they were playing the "Reach for the stars" quote, you can hear someone in the audience scream "What the fuck?!" angrily.

Just watched
the first episode of the original series online and, well, I don't know what Stonerville is but, if it's not also a Flash animated Family Guys clone, then we might want to let that filmography stand.

The song actually made it's debut last week…
…in the Daisy Lowe Esquire video. I'm not trying to be nitpicky, I just think anyone who hasn't yet seen Daisy Lowe dance around in her underwear would be interested…

One of the most underrated comedies of all time. I mean, the opening credits alone…

Bug is amazing! It works better as a play though. On stage it's just as funny as it is sad and disturbing. The claustrophobia of the movie, however, kind of smothers any of the humor and makes it a little tough for first time viewers (especially those expecting the horror movie they marketed it as).
Judd and Shannon

(In case you're wondering, I'm Jewish)
What's the difference between this and Let the Right One In? Both movies feature a little boy who befriends a creature that drinks the blood of innocent Christians.

That's good, man. That's real good. Changing the vowels of well-known fast food chains.
Seriously, I really like it.

Go Scarlet Knights!
Just have to point out that Henchmen #1's name is offically Rutgers alum Jackson Publick's most blatant RU reference yet.

Song During the Credits
Does anyone know the song during the credits of last night's episode?

I think that picture is used in the packaging of one of the DVD sets. It is basically as you described it.

This is the second time it's happened this season. Fortunately you can watch the first few minutes on the Adult Swim website which posts every episode on Friday (before they actually air).

Both Meanings of the Word "Sad"
As snarky as I should be on this board, I actually found this write up kind of touching.

Everything Will Be Ok
This is partly in response to the first comment (the site won't let me reply for some reason).

I liked their last album and the track "skip to the end". Isn't that how we all feel about the last parts of a relationship.

No Mention of the Video?
They also released a video on the website. While not as good as their best (Glosoli?) it's still a great clip and features way more nudity than that cover.
It's almost like a cast of Hair doing a musical production of Lord of the Flies.

I want to see this.
Yes I do.

My theory for the series
After two episodes my theory is that the way this Terminator is "different" is that she has the memories and/or personality of John Connor's future wife/girlfriend programmed in. More Robocop than Terminator, but I think that's where they're going for some reason.