Trust RT. This has a 67% there now, which is a few points above the fresh threshold, and I think that's fairly accurate.
Trust RT. This has a 67% there now, which is a few points above the fresh threshold, and I think that's fairly accurate.
Are we making a list now? Because I had forgot about that bit of ridiculousness, and I dont' want to spell it out as I said I don't want to just come here and poop on every stupid thing.
Who's this "we" you speak of?
On the last one of these new reviews I mentioned how this was right around the time the show became really stupid, but I didn't realize it was right around the corner, an aggressive, offensive, visceral stupidity.
I pretty much loathe the MRA thing, even more because of its wanton stupidity than its offensiveness. Special shoutout to the The Red Pill (lol) reddit for winning the Poe's Law grand prize in the Wait There's No Way This Is Serious, Right category.
How often are these reviews gonna happen?
Aye, that's when I got off the Stewart Daily Show bus.
And just in case anybody missed it:
You made my night by having this be the first response, I can push away the darkness at least until tomorrow.
Lol I haven't brought myself to watch this episode yet…
Well I'm gonna need a link to that article because I agree with all of this generally but specifically the part about The Wire and the implied corollary that Breaking Bad was so not even though it so totally shoulda and coulda been.
He was always meant to be naked though… Mind blown out of ears.
…"Lost"… get it?!
Having not watched this finale yet, I will say that Lindelof is officially a postmodern TV genius.
"…you will keep a civil tongue in that mouth or I'll sew it shut…"
Ahaha wtf that can't be serious…
What was the excuse? Ain't nobody got time for talking dead.
"Believable is not the first word…"
Why "should" anything be done? This approach to film remakes is baffling.
The only person who doesn't think Let Me In is superior to Let The Right One In is the director of the latter.