Lol, I might give it one more last chance. Duck Deficiency was solid, but I realized the problems, at least for myself. A big one is I can't get past laugh tracks. I know it's a live studio audience but the concept still applies as there's always some serious audio engineering done. Laughing too much is as big a…
Ok, I can see that, the tortoise beating the hare with hard-headed perseverance. I'll add to your list that the zombies feel no fear (at least, none that we can assume exists so far). Unlike the wildest of human-killing animal, the zombie won't back down when faced with resistance. You can't kill a few to make the…
I implied I live in a big city, which would be bad news if you were there during the zombie outbreak but once they dispersed or you went to a sparsely populated area you'd be home free. I mean, physically, that is. Psychologically it would be a disaster but fighting a few zombies a day is a moderate annoyance, not a…
Can somebody once and for all articulate what is perilous about this situation? I don't remember any review before this use so many phrases like 'death lurking around every corner' and 'die at any moment' but I just can't suspend my disbelief enough. (and I want to as I loved the first season) I mean, aren't there…
Fringe will go down as one of the best shows ever if for no other reason than in this episode we see a character ask a question, get a "there's no time/blah blah bloo bloo" response, and then KEEP ASKING THE GODDAMNED IMPORTANT QUESTION.
I just watched my first episode of this ever, "The Terminator Decoupling" from season 2. It was the one episode to get an A grade here. Um… hmmm. I'll give it another chance, can anybody recommend another episode?
The observation about season 4 is spot-on. It was boring as fuck and semi-terrible until it hit full throttle and set phasers to kill as Lithgow let loose the goose, at about the 2/3 point of the season.
I was gonna make a separate post but I'll just reply to this one…
Also, the well was hella craggly (real words?). Glenn didn't even grasp for a hand or foothold in all those crags.
I keep wanting to harp about things like this here but it's not specific to this show; I think it's just a problem with the zombie genre as a whole. Zombieland was the only time it was done right: zombies are ridiculously easy to kill and pose little threat, supplies are in abundance, but… Everybody you know and love…
Yeah, I can dig it. I think I misinterpreted the tone of the review, where Todd was saying to adjust the surreal dial a hair and I thought he meant twist til the knob falls off. (well not that much obv)
The part about a macguffin is still strange though, as it occurs to me that successful comedy is all about who can…
First off, Todd, if you read this, I totally didn't mean to come off like I was shitting on you… I was just, uh, critiquing your critique. I'm a fan of your reviews and criticism in general, AND critiquing comedy is basically just hard as hell. So hats off.
Holy shit at these reviews… I love this show just as much as everybody here but:
Aye, and I was also referring to your second from last paragraph in my original comment. Aside from the actual military getting defeated or failing to mobilize properly, I was more just referring to after everybody being dead or zombified, with all the guns in the US there would be guns and ammo lying around…
I'm pretty sure McD's hired Spurlock to make that pseudo-sciency drivel. They saved millions by canceling the supersize option.
Have you been to any crazy person websites recently? Their hallmark is the big fonts and bright colors, geocities in the house.
Well, IF it wouldn't HAVE happened, then yeah, I guess.
In the Walking Dead universe did a plague also wipe out the heavy artillery and automatic weapons? I'm on the fence as to whether it's just an inherent flaw in any zombie story or not, but it's seems like there isn't a zombie problem that a mini-gun can't fix.
I'm not sure if it's a trait of Rick's or poor writing but he seemed to imply he was the expert about what happened when he told the doctor that they were at the CDC and it's now gone and there's no cure.
Ridiculous either way, because a different character can take up the cause if Rick doesn't want to "stop and ask…