I didn't even make it through the first episode and probably won't watch this, but I wanted to chime in and say this review was hilarious and entertaining.
I didn't even make it through the first episode and probably won't watch this, but I wanted to chime in and say this review was hilarious and entertaining.
You guys nailed it.
I've seen 8 of these shows if I include the more than an episode but less than half a series ones. I don't know if that's a lot or a little.
I totally see that, I'm just coming to the conclusion that it appears that way… What I mean is that seeing all these loathsome things and symptoms of specific mental illnesses ISN'T imaginary, only that they are reactions and not catalysts. False positives due to Walt's unique situation, maybe?
I have a feeling I'm…
Just to make the silly comment I did.
He's just a different type of "bad guy".
Remember the scene where Hank pulls out the Cubans (cigars, not people) and Walt makes the offhand comment about drug laws? The writers might've devoted more time if they knew it would fly over some viewers heads.
PLUS, his psychological and verbal abuse to his wife makes Walt…
Yeah, thanks for clarifying, I meant it would require some digging to find and wouldn't just pop up first link in a googling.
p.s. Walt had put Jesse before his own biological family and himself, purely out of love and loyalty, a handful of times. While typing that though, I do understand it can be highly subjective.
""But then why wouldn't Jesse just tell Walt he had a meeting already set up" you ask? Because Jesse's kind of a dick"
Well then I'll say what I also say every time, there could be something wrong with me in that I don't see it. Of course I see his dickishness and assholeness but it's of the harmless variety. It reminds me of my friend getting snippy with his 7 year old son, even though he provides for him and loves him and they…
Acting nerds (cough) recognize him as one of the greatest. When he first showed up I cheered and I still rank that scene in the top 5 Breaking Bad scenes:
I say it like every review, but goddamn Donna hates the shit out of Walt. I only say it as it's getting to the point (or has already gotten there a couple seasons ago?) that it's clouding otherwise excellent analysis.
Meh, it's totally possible and plausible that the scholarship wasn't set up in Gus' name nor Pollos Hermanos, especially with the illegal activity.
I like the idea that everything that's happened, however indirectly, positive or negative, is due to Walt initially setting the wheel in motion so that even when he's not on stage he's still "present" in every scene. That's why flashbacks are so jarring, good or bad, because it's shows stuff that Walt hasn't had a…
I like the grading system but I don't let it affect my opinion, it's just another way of seeing somebody's analysis expressed.
Weird, cuz somebody else told me NEXT WEEK Walt gets resurrected and wakes up in warm goo on a space ship. Walt a Cylon… OMG TWIST!!
About to watch episode… So excited so scared… Must avoid spoilers… Damn you TV club…
It's bad enough thinking Walt is a bad guy, but now we're rooting for Hank? Behind all the bluster you people really are as simple as "drug dealing = bad! :(" and even more ridiculous "no drug dealing = good!"?
"Adama and Roslin and Tigh have all made plenty of cold-blooded decisions in the past, and we don't think of them as evil."