
Who shall be this generations Laurence Olivier?

faker #2
I read that recently and it managed to get a little more interesting than the first issue. I only picked up the second issue though because it was written by Mike Carey and it is coming together slowly. Hopefully there will be a nice pay off.

I saw another review this weekend that said Lopez and Anthony were great in their roles, but that the problem was with the script and direction. The reviewer also pointed out that it was nice to see an on screen couple played by a real couple that did not seem stiff and weird together a la Eyes Wide Shut.

mos def
Another rapper with a talent for acting. The thing I like about him is that he has not done a single "gangsta" role as far as I can recall. The man is truly aiming for a well rounded acting career.

snow white and the seven shaolin monks!?!
Why isn't the AV Club reporting this?

snow white and the seven shaolin monks!?!
Why isn't the AV Club reporting this?

Joe k.
Some teenagers are retarded, but not that retarded. I do not think that anyone watched Shakespeare in Love to get a better understanding of the man as an artist. I think that people watched it more to enjoy a good movie (personally I am not a big fan of it).

My boyfriend's nephew said that a new Shrek movie needed to be made since part three was terrible and that the story needed to end with a good movie. This is the logic of a nine year old.

More of you Jack Black haters need to see Jesus' Son. He is the orderly (did I spell that right?) that can help you out if you ever get stabbed in the head. Let's all just agree that when a movie is bad it is bad and it is not all Jack Black's fault.

Jesus' Son
Jack Black is great in that movie and I also happened to really like School of Rock.

I have read lots of Vertigo titles and very little of it is goth. And I have never seen a goth kid in any of the comic book stores that I shop in.

since when…
did disliking Moore mean you must get your news only from O'Reily or Hannity? The first time I watched Bowling for Columbine I enjoyed it, the second time I was dismayed.

The only good thing about the movie was when the Enterprise crashed into the other ship blowing off its front. That looked awesome.

Try to get the correct info before falling all over yourselves to defend him
For one, it is the U.S. Treasury that is investigating him since he did break the law (a very stupid law I agree). I remember seeing the first reports of this whole state that Moore had filed papers to get permission to go, but left for Cuba

I actually read an article about this movie yesterday and they mentioned that movie was based off of his own childhood.

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So if you call me a bitch or something it will not matter since I will not know.

those lyrics…
are somewhat disturbing and suck all at the same time.

My boyfriend and I tried watching this on AMC, but got so bored that we decided to watch a show about an Asian rainforest on PBS instead (and I am not saying that as a smartass either). It does seem like it could say something intelligent if they tried a little harder though.

Personally I see nothing wrong with them "discouraging" smoking from the adult movies, which is word for they can do as they please as long as they make us money. Are you guys so naive (or desperate to find a reason to hate Disney) to jump on something like this.

Thank you for the comment on the prequel comics. I guess not many people know about them.