
Personally I am a huge fan of the show. I even spent two dollars an episode on iTunes to catch up after there wasa fire in my apartment. The only other shows I have seen every single episode of are Lost, The Venture Brothers, The Wire and Heroes. I am happy that there is finally more good tv out there.

Sigourny Weaver
Weren't they paired just because of the location of their apartments and not genuine interests in each other?

Superman is a Dick
Never saw this movie, but the person that recommended the superdickery.com website is now officially my favorite person for recommending that site. I have not laughed that much since the Monarch's wedding to Dr. Girlfriend where David Bowie fought Klaus Nomi and Iggy Pop.

Stringer Bell
When is Stringer Bell going to get a good movie role.

Seriously Folks
I also agree that Futurama is better than the Simpsons. I have always preferred it.

Religious Movies
There is nothing wrong at all with a movie showing that having faith is a good thing in the end unless the movie is just plain bad. Bad movies are bad no matter what the subject matter is. And for a "good" movie recommendation, I recommend Russ Meyer and Roger Ebert's "Beyond the Valley of the

lardbag is an ass
This was a case of blacks hurting blacks and whites standing by and watching. Get it right.

I will start off by saying that I am a black female. I find your desperate effort to connect modern music to racism ridiculous. So what if the reason that some members of the media are fawning over her because she is a white British female? Doesn't that mean you should be taking your anger out on the media

BattleStar: Galactica
Watch the entire opening again and you will see that they do not truly give away what will happen.

Boner Teasdale
I think that Boner Teasdale is definitely an a-hole. Being in a car ad does not mean that you suddenly agree with Bush's politics. Lots of great bands appear in ads because they will never get airplay on MTV or VH1. Hell, Royskop was recently in a Geico ad.

Battlestar Galactica
Get Smart
Venture Brothers
The Wire
Star Trek The Next Generation
Samurai Champloo
Batman the Animate Series

uwe bowell
All of his movies are obviously flops, but he keeps getting to make movies. You should totally write an article on that. I would describe all of his movies as a total fiasco.

I saw that awful movie. It was kind of painful how Ellen could not escape Bill Pullman. Obsessive people movies can be entertaining, but that movie was one of the few that I just wished I could erase from memory and leave a note for myself reminding me to never see it again.

and i forgot
The blind black man in O Brother Where Art Thou is filling in for Homer. So that does not count.

A Bit of a Stretch
Some of these movies do not belong on the list of characterless selfless magical black men.

Local news is kind of necessary for stuff like local elections and the weather. It is unfortunate though that news has to filled with so much fluff just to get ratings since all the hipsters think that they are too cool to know what is happening in their community.

Children of Men
I am just horribly dissapointed that this was not nominated for Best Picture. And how did Pan's Labyrinth not win Best Foreign Film?

In reality…
I have not seen this movie, but as someone that works in the fashion industry I can say without a doubt that something like that would have resulted in the entire design team being fired and then everyone easily finding new jobs within the next couple of months. It seems silly for only one person to take

Definitive_one is nuts…
and paranoid. But the Wiz is a truly awesome movie none the less.

I am sorry, Bonfire of the Vanities is not a good book. I read the whole and was left disappointed that many interesting subjects were brought up in the novel and then never touched again leaving you thinking what happened to so and so. In addition the New York Times article at the end made the book worse